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About MarAshJoe

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  1. MEOW! Catty nursing students

    You were bit by your classmates because the teacher said you were a liar?
  2. New graduate RN jobs outside the hospital?

    I just graduated this May. A friend of mine I graduated with actually is working as an immunization coordinator for our county Health Dept. She can wear scrubs or business casual. She has her own office, hours are Mon-Thur 6-4. Off on all holidays an...
  3. NCLEX results

    Up at 49 hours and I PASSED! Yeah!:bowingpur
  4. NCLEX results

    I am trying to get my results off the website. Do I just go to and go under my account and where right now it is still saying 'exam results not available' in red, will this change to where I can click on it when they are available and ...
  5. Anyone Up For Random FACT THROWING??

    Here's One.... A person with eczema is at greatest risk for latex allergy! Two... Always see difficulty breathing, swallowing, or person with pain after giving pain med an hour ago FIRST Three... When getting pt out of bed have open end of chair fac...
  6. Two very different labs on calcium which to choose?

    I would tell you not to worry about that but I took mine this morning and when it came to labs you would think they would make them way off but in your ABCD you have it narrowed down to say A and B (C and D are just stupid) but the prob is A and B ar...
  7. Took NCLEX RN today..

    I'm in the same boat.. took mine this morning, feel exactly as you do. Not soo good!
  8. NCLEX is stressing me out

    I have studied like crazy went to tutoring, etc... I started the exam this am at 7:45 was out of there by 9:15ish and shut off at 75. I had a million drug questions and priorty, only 2-3 infection control, 2 drag these in order, 2 dosage and calcs, a...
  9. Nervous- needing advice!

    I am in my second semester Junior year in the BSN nursing program. I am in my second semester of clinicals. I have done med/sug, OB, and currently am in Psych. At our local Medical Center I have been hired on as Nurse Tech I on the Pediatrics floor, ...
  10. I was talking with my b/fs mother this evening and she told me that only making 50k a year as an RN was not very much. Not only does she remind me of this all the time but so does my b/f--kind of like I am going to school for nothing. I always though...
  11. Confused about NCLEX

    I'm about 6 semesters away from the NCLEX but I've been reading as much on this site as possible and when I read this section I became a little confused.. What is this thing about the test shutting off after 75 questions? Why is it a good thing that ...
  12. More Strange Baby Names

    I dated a guy named Stamper
  13. More Strange Baby Names

    I also had a girl in my highschool named sunshine (forgot to add that)
  14. More Strange Baby Names

    There was one in our paper with a family who had the last name Rush so they named the baby girl California Gold Rush and after it had "Cali"
  15. Ob Nursing Question

    This fall I will be in my 3rd semester as a pre-nursing student for an RN. The way I am leaning is towards delivery nurse. I was told by this girl yesterday that you have to have another degree (other than your RN liscense) in order to work in the la...