

Telemetry, OB, NICU

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About Seas

Seas has 4 years experience and specializes in Telemetry, OB, NICU.

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  1. If you want to survive in nursing, you will have to thicken your skin. There is no guarantee that you will ever be able to even land a job in nicu. If you are devastated about a capstone, you wont kill yourself if you cant get a nicu job, right? You ...
  2. Hello all, I have 2 years of Neonatal ICU experience in a 100 bed level 4 NICU. I am planning to relocate to San Diego, but I am not sure about where I really want to apply and work. I know there is no guarantee for a position when I apply. But anywa...
  3. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Thank you. It is 8 digits, and it shows up on right upper corner of the screen. It shows active license with an expiration date (2 years from now).
  4. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Oh wait!! I just checked breeze again after I typed above post to verify license again, and guess what? I was able to see license information this time. Looks like I am officially licensed in Ca as of tonight. I guess I kept on checking it today whil...
  5. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    I didnt apply for a temporary license. I am not in a hurry to move to CA yet. I will call them in morning times and see.
  6. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Help! I sent paperwork in mid April. My breeze account showed my submission date as May 5th. My breeze account used to say "Pendig; open" until yesterday. Since yesterday, it doesnt show any status and says "no license information available" on top ...
  7. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Fist of all, I am sorry for what happened to you. Did you find out about this rejection by chance when you called to follow up? Or did they tell you about it via email or breeze account or something? I mailed everything in mid April, and still nothi...
  8. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Holy cow, the processing times have been extended. I submitted my paperwork in mid April. I just hope to receive my license before the end of this year at least. It is so frustrating.
  9. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    I mailed all paperwork around mid April. My breeze account used to say pending ; missing education history. But today, it says pending still, but when I click details, it only says "open". I also received a bunch of emails back to back from breeze to...
  10. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    I have a question. All these we are doing it is for "temporaey license", right? Once we have a temp license, what do we have to do to have it permanent? I am concerned, because I am in no hurry to move to Ca. I am worried that a temp license will ex...
  11. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Actual hard card.
  12. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Do we only have to fill where it says X on fingerprint card? What is ORI ? It doesnt have an X, so can I leave it blank? And "aliases" box has an X in it, but I have never had any other name at all. Do I leave it blank or just write - or something?
  13. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    I finally received the card for finger prints in mail today. I initially applied for it on February 4th. When there was nothing, I applied for it again on February 25th. I guess this card came from my first request though. So, it took 25 days, just s...
  14. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    It is very frustrating here. I can't even receive the fingerprint card to get past the fist step and send my actual application. I requested for the card on Feb 4th. Nothing. I checked the bon website to see timeframes. They are already working on se...
  15. Timeline for endorsing RN license to CA

    Thank you! I has been a little over 2 weeks for me. Hopefully soon I will receive mine.