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About Bentley7

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  1. can someone help me how to make a CNA resume

    First i want to say Congrats to ccmelluvvin on becoming a CNA :yelclap:...even tho is post is months old. i Just completed my CNA program Dec. 2010. i have the same problem. i have no experience so what do i put on my resume? ...if its not to much to...
  2. What was your first day of CNA class like?

    Thanks so much!!!
  3. I begin the CNA program at my local community college this Tuesday 8/31/10. What is the first day like? there is two sections Theory and Clinicals. Any helping information and experiences is welcomed. Is there anything i should already know goin into...
  4. CNA and "The Plan"

    thanks for the info!!
  5. CNA and "The Plan"

    I will start a CNA Program august 31st:yeah:. i live in Los Angeles Ca. i have been volunteering at Planned Parenthood for about 3months. because i missed the deadline for my local hospitals. Once i am a cna should i look for work in a nursing or hos...