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About bsf1962

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  1. MSN CNL Sacred Heart University?

    No I haven't - I'm still weighing my options. How do you like it?
  2. I am a new RN, 52 years old and have a BS in Accountancy. Rather than go for a BSN, I'm considering an MSN. I feel a little old (and underqualified) to become a practitioner, so rather than an NP, I am considering an MSN. I just want to increase m...
  3. Got into NVCC for the fall!
  4. Britt, I am right there with you! I thought letters would be coming around March 15, so I have been eagerly going to the mailbox for two weeks. Good luck to you too! Betsy
  5. Northwestern Nursing program

    What?!? Where does it say this? I don't remember ever seeing anything about that! If so, I am not going to be able to attend. I am so disappointed.
  6. Northwestern Nursing program

    OMG! Did you all know that this is a night course? I had no idea! I didn't go to any information sessions because I had gone to others before. I don't know what I"m going to do!
  7. Northwestern Nursing program

    I got my letter yesterday! I got accepted as well. See you in January!
  8. Northwestern Nursing program

    NO! I Have been checking my mail with anticipation for the last few days. Hoping to find out soon! Have you heard?
  9. Northwestern Nursing program

    I have also applied. Good luck!
  10. ELFMwife, do you get a break between semesters?
  11. So sorry you didn't get in. Hopefully they'll use up that wait list!
  12. I wonder if they didn't let me get the transcript in because it was a prerequisite, but it's not like it was one of the science courses. It was English Comp that I took 29 years ago, and it WAS included as a transfer on the transcript from the coll...
  13. Chass63, I am very surprised that they asked you for the missing transcript. Had you not previously requested it? Because they keep telling me that there are other people in my situation and they have to treat everyone the same...... I am very curi...
  14. Best of luck to you getting into Three Rivers.
  15. Thank you for your reply, JBMommy. Are you currently in the CC program? If so, what is your schedule like, or are you waiting to hear? I had originally wanted to do the CC program because I thought it would be the softer, gentler way, but I'm not ...