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  1. Cant seem to get in anywhere :(

    Hey all, so for the past 2-3 years i have been struggling to get into a nursing school.. I've been rejected countless times. I have a 3.0 GPA in my pre-reqs, I know thats not stellar but i have no way to retake them currently. I used to be in a priva...
  2. Saddleback College Nursing

    Naw I didnt schedule yet since I couldnt get ahold of anyone today, ill have to wait till monday
  3. Saddleback College Nursing

    I got my letter today as well. I didn't get in . I feel pretty devastated. Those who got in how many points did you have? If I calculated correctly I had somewhere around 68-72 points, which ive been told that should be plenty to get in or atleast ge...
  4. Saddleback College Nursing

    I also applied! If I calculated my points correctly, I have 72 points. I also have heard 70+ points is pretty much a guarantee. So hopefully that will be true :) Question though: does anyone know when the paperwork and stuff will happen after we fin...
  5. Hey all, I am (well was) in a Private BSN program. I recently got my 2nd fail (I didn't pass OB by 1 point). My first fail was Pharm (I didn't pass that 0.8%). I realize my faults, I frankly was spread too thin between my work and school and did no...
  6. Best White Mens Shoes?

    Hey all Im a Male Nursing student, I am halfway through my program, I currently have white shoes but they are super uncomfortable (it feels like strapping bricks to my feet and trying to walk). I did add Dr. Scholes insoles but they still are pretty ...
  7. Find your Specialty Quiz

    I am in Nursing school-BSN, I have about a year left. The results were interesting 1.Military Nurse (which I have been thinking about after school) 2. Neonate ICU- Eh, havnt had my peds rotation yet, so I cant say weather i'd like dealing with kids o...
  8. Dug myself in an academic hole

    So I took everyones advice and I dropped it, I felt the risk was too high to continue.. Im not much of a gambler anyways, especially gambling on my future LOL.. I really appreciate everyone's advice and input on this topic.. at least next time around...
  9. Dug myself in an academic hole

    Thank you all for the responses! I am leaning toward option #2 as well, I think the main reason that I have been struggling is my Time Management skills are horrendous. I have always had an issue with this.. I have moderate-severe ADD, and so its a ...
  10. Hey all, I am currently in an Accelerated BSN program, I am Taking Med/Surg 2 this term as well as Nutrition.. I have been struggling with Med/Surg 2, I feel like I study but its never enough, and then I take the tests (While I feel like I did pretty...
  11. Didnt Pass Pharm :(

    So I didnt make it through Pharm this Term, I finished the class with a 75.2% and Passing is a 76% in my school.. I know my mistakes though, I know I didnt study hard enough, sitting down and studying has been such a struggle for me and plus Im feeli...
  12. Dosage Calc/Dimensional Analysis HELP!!!

    Check this youtube video out: It helped me so much in understanding how to do dimensional analysis problems! Once you undestand how to set them up, then its easy, just understanding it at first is daunting
  13. History of Present Illness Help

    Thank you for your reply Esme! your posts are very imformative and quite helpful! She doesn't have a Transfer/Cobra record So a bit more background on the patient: She was brought in Yellow Cab Taxi and Was living with her sister, she is S/P CVA an...
  14. History of Present Illness Help

    Hey all, I am working on my care plan and I am having trouble with my History of Present Illness, does anyone have any resources to point me in the right direction? What do we all list? My patient is an 83 year old Caucasian female admitted to a SNF...
  15. First Clinicals; what to bring?!

    I didn't mean the student bringing his/her own gloves, our school provides us a sperate batch of gloves separate from the gloves that are used in the facility due to money issues of the facility... but the point I was try to make is to have a bunch o...