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About Mmae

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  1. i know the material better than anyone in the class....i teach it to them in fact when we are studying. i am great clinically speaking. i've been offered two jobs on floors that i've had clinicals on. but, i have failed the last class once b/c i can'...
  2. I know the material better than anyone in the class....I teach it to them in fact when we are studying. I am great clinically speaking. I've been offered two jobs on floors that I've had clinicals on. BUT, I have failed the last class once b/c I c...
  3. We start clinicals on the third week.
  4. So, I went to orientation, first lecture and our assessment class. I am totally freaked out. There is sooo much reading that needs to be done. Okay, I can probably manage finding the time to do that. I can probably make the grades. But, when the...
  5. I feel like all I hear is negative things about peoples experiences. I have a 4.0 GPA as of right now with all of my pre reqs. But, from what I hear from some of you that doesn't mean anything. I do have a child and husband and a part time job. I...