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  1. Vespertinas

    Intake Questionnaire

    Ixchel, your understanding of my assignment and responsibilities is inaccurate. Your answers have been not only not helpful but condescending. Whether this was my fault for not conveying the problem clearly or yours for reading too far into it is bes...
  2. Vespertinas

    Intake Questionnaire

    The case challenge is fictitious and we've been given less than two weeks to present a budget, timeline, short and long term solutions, identify stakeholders, read 81 pages of background data, identify community resources, and do our own fact-based r...
  3. Vespertinas

    Intake Questionnaire

    I'm working on an interdisciplinary case challenge being given by the IOM. We're trying to find a comprehensive solution to support the mental health of aging veterans. Our approach will start in the ED but I have 2 questions that I need your help wi...
  4. Vespertinas

    T-Waves in Afib

    Right. I agree with both of you. Ohiobobcat you made me think that if I can measure a consistent QT interval, then it's likely a T wave. I think my problem was stemming from a patient who was in afib/flutter so the whole thing was unclear as waves ke...
  5. Vespertinas

    T-Waves in Afib

    Based on what you said, it sounds like I should measure the T-wave if I suspect that's what it is. But it's entirely possible that I won't find T-waves in which case it's okay to say it's unmeasurable. Yes?
  6. 1st year of nursing moment: Agreed to take on an extra 4 hours after my 12 hour shift. Of course someone codes at hour 15. I'm hypoglycemic and full of adrenaline, pumping this patient so hard. When it's time to transfer him to ICU, I offer to grab t...
  7. Win Miss State for the Miss America pageant while in nursing school. Use "I want to be a nurse" as your platform. Quit nursing school immediately after.
  8. Vespertinas

    T-Waves in Afib

    Can I or can't I positively identify T-waves in afib? Sometimes I think I can see them and want to measure but then it could always be a P-wave, right? Should I not even bother once I recognize the rhythm is afib?
  9. Vespertinas

    LVAD programs around the country?

    Mechanical hiccups
  10. Vespertinas

    Patient's right to refuse

    Nah. I've had trouble getting treatment for autonomous patients with MR. No lorazepam for that. It's so sad seeing them walk out AMA knowing the trouble they'll have ahead.
  11. Vespertinas

    Engraving on Littmann

    LOL "The power of Christ compels you!" with your stethoscope on her forehead
  12. Vespertinas

    Patient's right to refuse

    Remember, you said "a lot of psych issues" You'll hate me for preaching but please try to still be compassionate to people like this. They're not trying to make life difficult for you and ultimately, they're making life even more difficult for themse...
  13. Vespertinas

    your first "patient emergency"

    My first emergency.... a renal transplant patient who experienced a transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) which is basically an immune-mediated flash pulmonary edema. Uh yeah I totally panicked. I mean within a few minutes she went from talki...
  14. Vespertinas

    your first "patient emergency"

    Love this story but I wanna ask are you sure it was actually asystole? (sorry to ruin it with nitpicking)
  15. Vespertinas

    Personality At Work vs. At Home

    Having a bad attitude about management and pulling off the two-faced routine must be exhausting too. I don't even see how this relates to the original topic but I love tangents!