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  1. Any EC ASN grads go on for BSN through EC?

    I am also thinking about starting RN to BS program, starting in January 2012. I took EC's LPN to RN program, and was very satisfied. Lunah, what about the Chamberlain's program did you prefer over EC? Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thr...
  2. First time passers of CPNE?

    Hi! Passed first time in NY!!! Had to chime it, It IS Possible!! I had a number of people say negative remarks, stay away from those people!! I took a workshop, I really felt it was extremely helpful. I don't think I could have gotten my mind aro...
  3. EC grad - passed NCLEX!

    @bdavis, I had all my prereqs. I started last September, I finished and passed nclex within one year. You can do it as fast as you want, or take your time.. good luck
  4. EC grad - passed NCLEX!

    @beachnurse, I used the Kaplan book for questions, and they had one online test with the purchase of the book. Saunders is awesome for the content, but I think the nclex questions are more in line with Kaplan. Also recommend Lacharity prioritizatio...
  5. EC grad - passed NCLEX!

    After all the EC tests, the lady knew me at the pearson site, we were joking around that we did not want to see one another again, LOL! After all the testing experience and the stress I felt for CPNE, I was amazingly calm for this! Loops - best of ...
  6. EC grad - passed NCLEX!

    Don't get a chance to post here often, but had to share. CPNE in May, official graduation 7/15, FINALLY got my Authorization to test, and scheduled the nclex right away! Passed my nclex RN this past Friday!!! School is addictive, need to figure ou...
  7. NY ATT

    Finally got my ATT, and scheduled the test right away. They did not need the photo (I called), so covered there. Called every 10 days or so, and one lady pushed it through for me, loving her. I PASSED the nclex, now I can finally start sending out ...
  8. NY ATT

    Any fellow New Yorkers out there who recently received Authorization to test? I feel like I have been waiting forever!! If anyone can share how long it took to get their ATT, I would appreciate it. Also, is a photo required with the Nclex application...
  9. CPNE date 11/4/2011 St Mary's Madison WI

    Good luck, I will be cheering you on!!!! :anpom::anpom::anpom:
  10. I passed at Grady this weekend!

    Way to go!!!:balloons::balloons::balloons::smiley_aa Such a good feeling, enjoy!!
  11. @ loops, sent you a PM, let me know if you don't get it! K
  12. I did take a workshop. I don't think I would have been able to tackle that CPNE manual by myself. In addition, got tips and mneumonics, practice on labs. For me it was invaluable, I passed with no repeats. I think I saw you taking chancellors? T...
  13. Anjule, I did not see any of Utica, other than the dunkin donuts, Walmart, and applebees!! I was by myself, and wasn't about to go do a tour of the Saranac brewery by myself, LOL, or the casino!! The hardest thing was the first lab on the first day,...
  14. Good luck to you! I just posted to you on another thread too. My head was spinning when I got a CPNE date two days later, LOL!! Now you know your date, and you can practice an prepare!! As I posted in my other messages, I tested at Utica in May. N...
  15. Anyone taking the CPNE @....

    @anjule, I took my CPNE recently at Utica. You will like the facility, and the CA and CE's were all really nice. At any site... Know your stuff, be confident and organized, and you can do it!!! Best of luck to you!