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About micstn

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  1. DNR issue

    Great insight, why I didn't think this way. Thank you very much!
  2. DNR issue

    It is a gray area in our hospital, sometimes we admited a patient, dr just ordered DNR by phone, no paper, just claimed patient is DNR
  3. DNR issue

    I was told by social worker to remove DNR for a patient because POA said he never told me to place pt on DNR. But actually POA did tell me this by phone, I relayed to dr who ordered DNR/TO. Now next day social worker talked to me and looked at me lik...
  4. Feel confused about myself

    Davey, thank a lot for replying and sometimes I was surprised that why I'm slow comparing to young nurses, but I do enjoy working with them and their energy and intelligence inspires me to go gym and Eat healthy and be humorous... LOL
  5. Feel confused about myself

    recently, I just found out a little bit worried about myself, whatever you can name..confused or disappointed or curious....I said to myself, why u worried about hanging a drip at the end of your shift though you already double checked the bag two ti...
  6. Need advice............

    Thanks for your input, that's great information.
  7. Need advice............

    Nuguynurse, thanks for you kind words, i know it's true, feeling a little bit screwed up...
  8. Need advice............

    Libby, so pleased by your words, but I think the reality is we are living in a working environment that sick patients love to have young and pretty nurses, even I would like to work with younger colleagues, who make a dull workplace alive and vivid,,...
  9. Need advice............

    2 years in Tele, 2 years in Rehab, 2 years home health.....Thank you very much for your input...
  10. Need advice............

    ... middle of 40's, BSN, currently working in tele,thinking about advancing my career for long time, don't like tele much, should go for ICU or nurse practionioner.... if I could get a position in ICU, I won't even think about NP. But when I saw thos...
  11. Get depressed with my situation...

    Thanks Sour Lemon, sometimes I did felt silly to even think about this as a matter.
  12. I'm currently working in tele. The reason I felt upset is that I'm rarely named in our daily report conducted by chart nurse. I worked hard and be polite to patients and helping other nurses and techs. But I can count how many times my name showed i...
  13. Please help on Annual Evaluation

    MVM2, you are right, thanks a lot on your inspiring input!!!!!
  14. I just have time to sit down to look through copy of my annual evaluation. When supervisor called me in last month(it was my first evaluation of my working life), I listened and didn't argue anything even I thought it was not right because I have to ...
  15. feeling upset for you having a non-professional coworker like her, avoiding her will make you feel better.