

ER/Critical Care

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About nursecass

nursecass has 5 years experience and specializes in ER/Critical Care.

I started nursing in a Cardiac Critical Care unit and now work in a rural ER

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  1. open toe shoes for interviewing?

    Thanks everyone! I decided to go conservative (which is my instinct anyway) and actually found a really cute pair of flats at Target that I can wear just randomly after the interview also. Thanks for the feedback though!
  2. open toe shoes for interviewing?

    It's been a while since I've been on an interview and I have a few coming up and I was just wondering if open toe shoes are a bad idea to wear to the interview? I will be interviewing for ICU and ER positions. My instinct is close toe, but I have a ...
  3. refusing to prep a pt for surgery?

    I just wanted to follow up and thank you for all of your responses. Unfortunately the surgery went as scheduled, and instead of being able to distance myself from the situation I was in fact the primary nurse for both before and after surgery (until...
  4. refusing to prep a pt for surgery?

    Hi all, I'm going to keep this as brief as possible but I was hoping I could get some advice/feedback. I am an ER nurse that has cross trained to work in the pre-op/PACU in our little rural hospital. Tomorrow I am scheduled to be the first nurse (i...
  5. DFW hospital reviews?

    Thanks so much for the info TexeCuter! That's exactly what I was sort of hoping for-a bit of a run down on some of the hospitals. :) I'm definitely looking forward to getting into a higher acuity setting again with a bit of technology surrounding m...
  6. Great Podcasts

    Thanks for these! I've listened to Dr. Guy's and am always looking for more. Thanks for sharing!
  7. DFW hospital reviews?

    Thank you Commuter! It's actually a huge relief to hear that unions don't really exist there. I'm currently in a union hospital and it has been way more challenging than I could have imagined and I'm looking forward to getting out of that culture. ...
  8. CEN test questions?

    Could any of you please recommend a book/source that is mainly CEN practice test questions? I found when I studied for NCLEX that reading out of the book did me absolutely no good, but doing repeated practice tests and then reviewing what I missed o...
  9. cen exam pearls

    saving this thread-thanks! :)
  10. DFW hospital reviews?

    Also if you know which (if any) are union I would appreciate that info as well. Thanks!
  11. DFW hospital reviews?

    Hi all, My husband and I are looking at moving to DFW in the near future and I'm just starting the adventure of looking at hospitals in the area. I have about 5 years of ICU/ER experience but have been working in a state that has few choices for whe...
  12. responsibility to report threats?

    Oh, and this actually happened in a surgical area. The threat was against a hospitalist, and the way the family found out was the surgeon went and told them directly before the pt even went to surgery (because the threat delayed the surgery), which ...
  13. responsibility to report threats?

    Thanks for all the responses-that was my initial thought but I wasn't sure I should proceed with the police report until I did something else. I'm going to go by work today and contact corporate to see what they told our QC person, but honestly I th...
  14. I will try to make this as brief as possible. Last week I helped take care of a patient that we have had behavior problems with in the past. He and his wife both have numerous incidents within both our facility and a neighboring facility-in fact th...
  15. Questions about Nursing as a profession

    A big part of nursing is education-a BIG part. I cannot think of one area of nursing that does not include teaching/educating patients and family members. It may not be the traditional standing in a classroom sense, but I can tell you I educate eve...