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About hopeful81

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  1. Any New Grads working Per Diem?

    thank you
  2. Any New Grads working Per Diem?

    I know the job hunt for New Nurses is a challenging one. Has any of you found at least Per Diem jobs? I was wondering if it is possible to gain Per Diem Jobs considering we have no real work experience yet?
  3. What if I can't afford a refresher course...?

    Yes I did! Any suggestions on how to prepare for the workforce? I applied to work as a volunteer and I also began reviewing my lecture notes (fundamentals of nursing and med-surg nursing). I want to find a position in med-surg.
  4. Best hospitals to work in Manhattan and Brooklyn?

    Thank you ladies for the replys. I've decided to volunteer at a hospital or nursing home near my area, starting today. Hopefully that will give me some experience. I don't want to pay metrocard money to travel to manhattan just yet. Keep the replys ...
  5. What are some of the best hospitals to work in Manhattand and Brooklyn? Preferably manhattan; Regarding nurse to patient ratio, friendliness of staff, willingness to teach new nurses, salary, etc... I would like to begin volunteering at a few of thos...
  6. They won't let me get my BSN

    Start over? oh hell no, I will definately wait. But I am a believer there is another way. Thank you for your opinion.
  7. They won't let me get my BSN

    I have a ADN but because of immigration issues I wasn't issued a liscense. I currently want to pursue my bachelors in nursing but all the schools are requiring a liscence. I don't know when my immigration issues will be resolved but I also don't want...