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  1. Job Inteview with Orthopedic Doctor. Please Help

    Thanks I appreciate the help. Me and the office manager went over the pay and the benefits. He is a new doctor to the practice. Thanks again Hissy ^..^
  2. I have an interview with an Orthopedic Doctor on Thursday. I have already gone to the interview with the office manager. There are three girls that will be interviewing that day. I am the first one that he will talk to. I really want to me a good imp...
  3. Heart Problem II

    Sorry guys I may gave you some wrong information. The EKG showed my valves not working right according to the doctor. We went ahead and orded an echo and the tech was the one that told me the mital valve was leaking. I go tomorrow for the holter mon...
  4. Heart Problem II

    I went and had my echo done yesterday and was told that my T sinus rhythm was abnormal. She told me that my heart was not in rhythm. Can somebody tell me what this means? Is this corrected by medication? Hissy )
  5. Heart Problem---Help

    Thanks guys once again for words of encouragement. I keep thinking why does things always happen to me. Which I guess things could be alot worse. First, me and my boyfriend having problems, then fiancial problems, and now this. What else is going to...
  6. Heart Problem---Help

    I went to my doctor yesterday cause I have been having chest pains and sob. I just thought it was stress...Found out that my atrial valves are not working properly. She wants me to see a cardiologist. She states that since I was on the phentermine d...
  7. Birth Control--Ortho patch

    Thanks guys for the imput..Will definitely talk to my doc. Hissy )
  8. Birth Control--Ortho patch

    I have read some articles about this type of birth control, but I am wandering if any of you have tried this and how do you like it? Hissy ^..^
  9. Need some advice on quitting school

    KristinWW..no that was not the reason I quit school. I loved school. I am bringing home 606.22 a month. I have 250 funeral bill (moms), 300 car payment, 88 insurance, 25 doctor bill, 187 loan payment. That right there is 800 not including my other bi...
  10. Need some advice on quitting school

    Well, the decision came and I went to school this morning and withdrew. I have cried ever since I left school. Maybe it is for the best. I keep thinking that this is the second time I have tried to go to school and had to withdrew because of finances...
  11. Need some advice on quitting school

    I tried financial aid, student services, and other places. Unless I have a child or some form of dependent they could not help me. I have prayed and prayed, but I feel like I need to get myself straightened out and try to put some money in the bank. ...
  12. Need some advice on quitting school

    Love-A-Nurse I would love for you to email me. It is [email protected]. I went to consumer credit counseling and they told me that I have too much going out and not enough coming in. They told me to file bankrupty or find a job that pays more. Ev...
  13. Need some advice on quitting school

    Thanks guy for the advice. I have gone down to two classes and that is Honors History and AP II. The people that I am indebt with have been called and of course they will not work with you. I cannot get financial aid cause they say I make too much ...
  14. I need your loyal advice once again. I am working 30 hours per week and bringing home 303.11 every two weeks. I just started a part-time job on the weekends that I work 12 hours. I get paid monthly at this new job. My question is this.....my bills ...
  15. Medical Assistants in the office

    I did not mean to step on anybody toes as I did in my post. I am sorry. I wished that I could turn the hands back and what I know about MA, I could have gone for my RN degree then. I realize I learned a great deal in the program and I hope I can us...