Published Oct 16, 2003
144 Posts
I went to my doctor yesterday cause I have been having chest pains and sob. I just thought it was stress...Found out that my atrial valves are not working properly. She wants me to see a cardiologist. She states that since I was on the phentermine diet pills, she was sure this caused my problems. I just left a message with her nurse to see if we can go ahead and schedule an echo like we talked about, so the physician would have the results in time for my appt. My EKG came back abnormal. Does anybody have any advice for me?
Hissy :kiss
121 Posts
So sorry to hear you are having trouble. Prayers sent your way.
Make sure you have a cardiaologist you trust, one with a good track record and one you can feel comfortable talking to.God bless. Deb
275 Posts
stop the diet pills.
See a good specialist
Prayers to you
17 Posts
Dear Hissythecat,
Find cardiologist that is board certified, and has been in practice at least 5-10 years. Transthoracic echo is a good place to start, especially if they have a machine that is capable of 3D imaging. As unsavory as it may sound, a TEE (transesophageal echo) will give BETTER images than transthoracic depending on your body habitus (if you are thick or thin will determine quality of images from a transthoracic study). Better still would be a cardiac MR. This diagnostic modality is giving exquisite images of cardiac anatomy. It is not, however, widely available. I've just recently returned from conference that was dedicated to cardiac MR and cardiac CT. WOW!! I do not know if anyone/place in TN has this capability. But, to be honest, I haven't looked. My suggestion would be to go online to some of the bigger hospitals (UT, Vandy, St Thomas, Erlanger, etc.) and see if one of them has cardiac MR.
Cardiac echo is a very good diagnostic tool, please don't misunderstand. However, it is dependent on the skill and experience of the echo tech. So, another piece of advice is to investigate the experience of the echo techs, and find out if the echo department is accredited by the IACVL. To achieve and maintain the accreditation, they must meet rather stringent requirements.
Hope this is helpful -- Take care -- Spot.
273 Posts
Do not know what to tell you but I now that there has been a huge class action suit against the makers of Redux. (? spelling). It might be helpful to check out that info. I am not sure if that is the same type of med you were on.
Good luck and i hope you feel better soon.
Thanks guys once again for words of encouragement. I keep thinking why does things always happen to me. Which I guess things could be alot worse. First, me and my boyfriend having problems, then fiancial problems, and now this. What else is going to happen?
The cardiologist that I am going to is well known here and is familiar with phentermines and what it does to your heart. I am having my echo and holter monitor put on next wednesday. The tech is a good friend of mine and she said that off the record, she could tell me what the echo says and that will help me to quit worrying. Do you think she would tell me the truth though?
Hissy )