

nursing education

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About lepew

lepew has 29 years experience and specializes in nursing education.

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  1. med administration

    I am writing a course for safe med administration in an intermediate sanction facility in Texas. In this facility the residents come to the med room and take their meds. They are handed to them by the staff. They are required to take a safe med adm...
  2. Glasses(?)

    I agree. I wear multi focal contacts also. Same story as brillohead above. 56 now - still wearing them and love it
  3. TSH, T4, T3

    I have low normal TSH levels also and exhibit pretty much all the s/s of hypothyroidism. Fortunately I found a dr who treats me based on symptoms and not numbers!
  4. Brian Short News

    I am saddened by this. I have been a member for many years and AN has helped me through many decisions and career questions. I teach nursing and always tell my students about AN. My prayers are with everyone- Brian's family and the AN family. Thank ...
  5. Nursing students sue Excelsior College

    Me too! Long Beach 1994! I think I burned my study guide too!! That was a very difficult weekend..,
  6. Nursing students sue Excelsior College

    I did Excelsior (Regents) in 1992. We all knew about the big CPNE at the end. I got the study guide snail mailed to me when it was time. I basically memorized the thing! Had to go to California for my weekend - there weren't any sites in Texas then-...
  7. Touro University DNP Project Mentor

    I am looking into this school. How do you like it? Is it difficult? I teach full time- can it managed with working full time?
  8. DNP for Nurse Educators

    Meanmaryjean: Touro university. I have not heard of it. It sounds interesting and sounds like something I could do. Have you actually started your class yet?
  9. New to Excelsior College

    Good luck with EC! I graduated from there in 1994 when it was still Regents College. Stick with it and study for that CPNE!!! Use whatever tools you can to study. When I went there was no real prep for it. .. You can do it!
  10. Videos to assist the OB nurse with vaginal examination

    May I show these in my class for my nursing students???
  11. Sorry you are having instructors like that. It's not right. I do not read from power points - I use them as a guide. I also use interactive techniques. I don't want to hear myself talk for two hours- I know my students don't! I try to make it fun an...
  12. Nurse Educators, Introduce Yourselves!

    Good luck! It's the most rewarding and frustrating career ever! But I can't imagine doing anything else!!
  13. Anyone attending Kaplan or Walden University?

    Well I went to Walden - I was not denied by other schools as you suggested. I chose them. It worked with my full time teaching schedule. Now here is the difference. You are discussing an NP track- I did the MSN with specialization in nursing ed track...
  14. When being a patient...

    I don't usually tell anyone. I want to see how I am treated first. Unfortunately my hubby or family always outs me. I usually just laugh it off and say it's not my area of expertise so I defer. It usually works out just fine I am a nursing profess...
  15. Anyone attending Kaplan or Walden University?

    Consider this catching hell for your comments about Walden. FYI I was accepted to many school and CHOSE Walden. You don't go there to pass boards- you already had to have a minimum of an Associates degree and be a RN. I did their MSN with a specializ...