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About riverbirch1970

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  1. Where can a disabled Nurse get a job??

    Thanks to all who replied, I'd love to be an instructor but my mobility is far too limited and above all the safety of the patient has to come first, with students spread all over a hospital I know that realistically I cannot move fast enough to get...
  2. Where can a disabled Nurse get a job??

    I am disabled due to a severe back injury on the job. My neurosurgeon released me to go back to a "light duty" sedentary job. I cannot stand or walk for any reasonable amout of time. There are no Utilization Review jobs that I have been able to find...
  3. You Need a Lawyer end of discussion. I am an older nurse with over 30 years experience and a completely ruined back I was injured on the job and needed 2 fusions less than a year apart. The 1st one after the injury didn't work. I can barely walk ...
  4. employment after back surgery

    In this area a masters is required to teach and at my age it's neither cost effective nor time effective. Teaching would have been my first choice otherwise.
  5. employment after back surgery

    I am asking anyone out there if they have suggestions concerning how they would procede if they were me. I have been out of work on workers comp for 1.5 years after 2 spinal fusions 6 months apart. I am 58 and RN BSN with over 30 years in nursing. ...
  6. Anyone really love where they work?

    I sympathize with you and your situation and I say shame on the charge nurses and nurse managers who allow this atmosphere of hostility to go on year after year after year. It's gossip and one upmanship thats behind this ill trreatment of newcomers (...
  7. travel med surg opportunities

    are there many opportunities for med surg as a traveler? I see the specialties are in great demand but I dont want to work ed in a strange hospital. I've never traveled and I'm getting great tips here. I think I'd like a short med surg assignment ...