Where can a disabled Nurse get a job??


I am disabled due to a severe back injury on the job. My neurosurgeon released me to go back to a "light duty" sedentary job. I cannot stand or walk for any reasonable amout of time. There are no Utilization Review jobs that I have been able to find in my area (MA) and I am not a certified Case Manager. I am also almost 60 years old. I would prefer to be working but I know that realistically I can't do the job anymore. Teaching requires a Masters degree so thats out. Does anyone have a REALISTIC idea?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Have you checked out the telephone triage forum? just might give you some ideas

Specializes in surgical, neuro, education.

I too am a nurse who has been out on permanent disability since 2003, this is the first year I have felt well enough to get back out there and do what i love. What about teaching in an LPN program. They don't usually require a master's degree and you can stay away from clinical if it will harm your back.

I am starting parish nursing at my church. I am going to go very slow and will probably not be paid much---if at all. But at least I feel I am doing something to feel like a help to others--which is why I became a nurse 25 years ago. Good luck. I don't know if you get an ssdi but even if you go back to work--they will work with you and if you do more to injure your back you can go back on ssdi.

I wish you the best of luck. Take care. Cheryl.

an lpn/lvn instructor job would definitely be a possibility.

many of my instructors have some sort of injury that makes heavy duty nursing impossible-such as carpal tunnel or back injuries.

they don't even all have their rn, one is an lvn.

Thanks to all who replied, I'd love to be an instructor but my mobility is far too limited and above all the safety of the patient has to come first, with students spread all over a hospital I know that realistically I cannot move fast enough to get where an instructor needs to be and to be able to stand and supervise once I get there. A lecturing instructor is out of the question because I'm in MA and there is no shortage of lecturing nursing instructors so the standards are very high and a Masters is the minimum requirement. The telephone triage sounds viable but so far I haven't been able to connect with anything

Specializes in critical care: trauma/oncology/burns.

Am not sure if this will be of any help/support but go to:


And if your NP/DO/MD will sign off on one, how about using a wheelchair or motorized chair to get you out and about? That way you can still "chase" after the students and you would still be able to supervise the student nurses.....Think of all the valuable knowledge that you would be able to share!


Consult your state's vocational rehabilitation/rehabilitation services administration office. Depending on your state, this may be found in department of health services, department of education, or department of economic security. Vocational rehabilitation is a federally mandated, federally funded program that assists individuals with disabilities in obtaining & maintaining competitive successful employment. It is a great program. Google it to find it in your state.

Goodluck! :) :up:

Hi. I am a disabled RN due to a lung disease. I am on oxygen 24/7 and have a part time job teaching CNA students. I do the classroom stuff and don't have to do anything strenuous. It's a great job and I get a lot of satisfaction knowing that I have a part in sending out well trained, caring CNAs.

Good luck with whatever you find. Your knowledge is valuable!

I use an electric wheelchair and work night shift in a nursing home/rehab unit. It's definitely doable in the right facility!

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