Montgomery College Nursing Spring 2015

U.S.A. Maryland


So I figured I would start a new thread for those applying to Montgomery College in Spring 2015.

I had applied to the nursing program in the fall of 2015 but was put on a "wait list" which was not used because my AP 1 and 2 were over 5 years old. I have since taken a pathophysiology class and so now the AP 1 and 2 will be counted towards the four core course requirements. I have a 3.45 GPA, I scored an 82.7 on my Teas, and I have all four of the required prerequisites finished.

I really hope I get in this time or I don't know what I am going to do. I have heard the spring semester is easier to get in which makes sense because you don't have all the high school seniors that will be graduating applying. Anyway good luck to everyone applying!

Ugh...No one called me for additional information...

Now I'm really anxious...

So... I have a little update. I emailed the health sciences coordinator because I had a question regarding the transcript she used to calculate my GPA and when I did she emailed me back and said that I was on the eligible list for now and on Monday the coordinator for the program would review the applications and if everything went well then everyone who was "eligible" would be accepted into the program. I think by eligible she means those that have met the minimum for the TEAS and all four core classes and the minimum GPA will get in... hopefully this does not make anyone else more nervous!!

Khull... I am 35 as well so we have something in common. My name is Stacey..

Correction... she said "if everything went well everyone "should" be accepted into the program.

Khull, I am taking patho right now with Dr. Barrie. I am not taking it because I need it, but because I like Dr. Barrie so much that I wanted to take another class with him. I had him for A&P II and he is definitely awesome.

I am taking micro, patho, and nutrition this semester while waiting to hear. Who do you have nutrition with? Micro is definitely not my favorite. It's not AWFUL, but it's definitely harder than A&P was. I would take A&P over again if I could instead of take micro. Though I have to admit I do enjoy lab (at least right now; that could change, I suppose. lol).

I am nervous. With a 77 on the TEAS, I wouldn't be worried. I only have a 70, so I am extremely worried especially since I read someone else had a 71 and didn't get accepted. So I am ultra nervous. Like I said, if I don't make it I will just continue on next semester and take the stats and chem and then try to get into Shady Grove BSN. Though I really want to just get my RN first, get a job, and then do my BSN online. I guess whatever happens is supposed to happen.

I am 30 years old. 35 is definitely not old!!! But, of course, wait until I am 35 and I am sure I will be saying I am old too. LOL.

I actually already say I'm old at 30...especially when people in my class tell me they are 21. OMG.

What does that mean, exactly? That they had a low enough number of applicants that they will accept everyone???? That's what I read it to mean.

I guess thats what it means. Thats how I took it as. I guess that they had enough spots but not enough eligible applicants to need a wait list.

So I guess we will hear by the beginning of October, hopefully. Wish it was sooner than that even. lol

I think by eligible it means all four core courses done and good teas and gpa ... Those are the ones that should get in and then it will go on down to those that have three and then two of the core courses

Well we have come this far..... At least within a week or a week and a half we should hear something.... It has been the longest two months ever. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Hopefully this will be the last time !

Still waiting...... Hopefully soon ;)

Hopefully next week, if not by tomorrow or Saturday. They didn't tell you the day they'd be putting them in the mail, did they? lol.

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