Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

U.S.A. Illinois


Has anyone who applied to Lurie Children's for the August/October New Grad RN positions heard anything back yet? I know the applications opened up on May 1st.

I applied to PICU and CCU, haven't heard anything yet

Just curious for those of you who have interviews or know someone with an interview, have you worked at Lurie before or had clinicals there?

I haven't heard anything from the NICU or Surg/transplant but got an interview from CCU this morning. And I'm not from the area so I have not clinical there.

My friend got an interview for the NICU two days ago. She applied to PICU/NICU/CCU.

I applied to Transplant/Gen Med/Endo and haven't heard back yet.

We both had our pediatric clinical there.

Good luck to all :)

Anything from PICU, Neuro/endo, or transplant today?

To those who are discouraged and didn't hear back, please don't take it as a reflection of you as a nurse. The two people I know who were selected for the program for this cohort I would not want around my kids. Won't get into that too deeply, but those who didn't make it should keep their chins up. Nepotism and arrogance had a lot to do with at least some of the decisions, not ability. Obviously don't mean to imply none of the chosen were deserving. But not all were.

You'll all get where you want to be, this isn't the end.

I applied for NICU, hem/onc, and transplant. Looks like NICU is out, which to me is surprising because I did my senior practicum in the NICU at Northwestern, but oh well. I know that luries can be a little iffy with applicants and I've heard the focus solely on internal applicants (not really sure about this though). I've been offered another NICU position downtown, so I was leaning towards that one anyways!

Like LPink17 said, I think it's important to not get discouraged. There is definitely a different attitude about the staff at luries that I have seen! Maybe it's something that just takes some getting used to.

Don't get discouraged, I have never been to Illinois and didn't have my practicum in the NICU either! I graduated from a great school but besides that I think it is fair game to anyone, internal or external.

Good point! My other offer is at Northwestern in their NICU (they utilize the same doctors and NPs), so if I had to make the choice between the two I'm not sure if I even could!! í ½í¸³

PICU interviews are going out. I just got a call.

I got a call earlier today, too! I think the recruiter could sense my surprise on the phone :-) Keep your ears out, friends!

Has anyone heard from neuro/endo or transplant?

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