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  1. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    Anyone else starting on transplant in August?:)
  2. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I got an offer for the peds surg transplant for August just now! Good luck everyone
  3. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I just got a call from transplant!
  4. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    Has anyone heard from neuro/endo or transplant?
  5. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I applied to PICU and neuro endo and haven't heard
  6. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    Does any one know how/if it matters to check your profile online? All I remember getting when I applied were confirmation emails. PS has nobody else on here heard anything yet?
  7. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    If you end up calling them, let me know what they say!
  8. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I called the main hospital number and then asked to be transferred to HR. They seemed not to mind answering but I'm still a little confused about the outcome of the conversation.
  9. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    When i talked to HR they told me they already contacted the people they wanted and to wait for an email. (A rejection I'm assuming)
  10. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    So is there still hope for those who haven't heard? Has anyone heard from the PICU, surg/transplant/ or neuro endo?
  11. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    So if you got an interview, they would have called by now?
  12. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I also applied to PICU, and then peds surg/transplant, and neuro/endo!
  13. Lurie Children's New Grad Residency Fall 2017

    I also applied and nothing yet. I expect at least another week or two probably. Keep posted everyone!
  14. Thanks for the response! I'm sorry, I should have given more details in my post. I am familiar with this particular clinic--it was set up by doctors from my school. I know they accept new grads to volunteers, and the duties include nursing and clinic...
  15. Hey everyone! I have been reading posts on here since starting nursing school, and I have a question I would love to get advice on from other nurses. I graduate with my BSN in May, my plan is to gain experience for a year or two and then continue on...