Disturbed Energy Field? Yes or No?

Specialties Holistic

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Probably no other nursing diagnosis has garnered as much controversy as this one:


Disturbed Energy Field

definition: disruption of the flow of energy [aura] surrounding a person's being that

results in a disharmony of the body, mind, and/or spirit

Related Factors

Slowing or blocking of energy flows secondary to:

pathophysologic factors--illness (specify), pregnancy, injury

treatment-related factors--immobility, labor and delivery, perioperative experience, chemotherapy

situational factors (personal environment)--pain, fear, anxiety, grieving

maturational factors--age-related developmental difficulties or crisis (specify)

Defining Characteristics


Perception of changes in patterns flow, such as--

  • movement (wave/spike/tingling/dense/flowing)
  • sounds (tone/words)
  • temperature change (warmth/coolness)
  • visual changes (image/color)
  • disruption of the field
  • (deficient/hole/spike/bulge/obstruction/congestion/diminished flow in energy
  • field)

Desired outcomes/evaluation criteria--client will:

  • acknowledge feelings of anxiety and distress.
  • verbalize sense of relaxation/well-being.
  • display reduction in severity/frequency of symptoms.

Energy field disturbance - Wikipedia

What is your opinion of "disturbed energy field?" Does nanda need to drop this, as not being scientifically sound, or do we need to keep this, as this attests to the inclusiveness and holistic nature of nursing?

Specializes in Critical Care.
zenman said:
Alberto Villoldo is my primary teacher. His teacher a Q'ero Indian named Don Manuel died a few years short of 100...97 I think it was.

In the Amazon, Alberto Torres Davila started training at the age of 8 and is now 50. His teacher, Julio Llerena Pinedo died of a stroke at 83.

Anecdotes aren't life expectancies. Dr. Debakey just died at 99 and my great grandmother that didn't use a single CAM died at 108, for instance.


Aren't we being pretty dismissive of some of the tenants of Eastern Medicine? I always hesitate to think that we Western Medicine people have all the answers...Doesn't it come close to also taking out hope, god and much more, even if it is just energy???

Specializes in Oncology Certified Nurse, Holistic Nurse.

I really have been really surprised with the negative comments on this NANDA diagnosis. This diagnosis would really support Healing Touch or Therapeutic Touch. I am not sure why there is so much making fun here. I am wanting to become certified in Reflexology and Healing Touch. I consider myself a nurse that wants to specialize in wellness nursing. I hope we can agree to disagree, but I understand this diagnosis and especially as an Oncology nurse, I can see the benefit of this.

Specializes in MPCU.

I am so disappointed that modalities which actually work are dismissed while "altered energy fields" has so many advocates. Yeah, it would be great to cure and treat anything. The truth is that some things are beyond our mortal efforts. If you gain some benefit from imagining that you can alter energy fields, the only harm is that you could have instead done something of therapeutic value.

Specializes in Oncology Certified Nurse, Holistic Nurse.

Not of therapeutic value? Healing doesn't have to be curing. Most people who are dying of cancer have disturbed energy fields. What better way to bring calm and peace but through Healing Touch. Are you saying that the human touch has not place if you cannot cure? I don't think anyone has made reference that Healing Touch, or Therapeutic touch is made to cure. If you have never had a healing touch procedure, or a reflexology treatment, or if you have not explored this genre other than to put it down, I just think you don't need to comment on it. Negativity breeds negativity. I prefer to be positive.

Woodenpug said:
I am so disappointed that modalities which actually work are dismissed while "altered energy fields" has so many advocates. Yeah, it would be great to cure and treat anything. The truth is that some things are beyond our mortal efforts. If you gain some benefit from imagining that you can alter energy fields, the only harm is that you could have instead done something of therapeutic value.

There are three physicists that I know of in my shamanic crowd, quite a few physicians and many other health care professionals. You should talk to them. You should also realize the power of the mind, ie., imagining.:yeah:

Specializes in MPCU.

It is not healing. Altered energy fields, lets you fool yourself into believing that you are doing something. That way you do not have to actually be present. If you were to be present, you might have to do something useful.

To the sophist; Yes, healing occurs even when there is no cure. For every western style scientist that believes in energy fields, a traditional healer exists who does not buy into the nanda "disturbed energy fields."

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
Not of therapeutic value? Healing doesn't have to be curing. Most people who are dying of cancer have disturbed energy fields.

How do you know?

Specializes in Oncology Certified Nurse, Holistic Nurse.

I am not going to spend any more of my energy on this debate. My precious time and energy is worth more than debating with a naysayer and someone obviously negative and not informed.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Herbalnurse said:
I am not going to spend any more of my energy on this debate. My precious time and energy is worth more than debating with a naysayer and someone obviously negative and not informed.

Inform me.

Preferably with double-blinded studies testing your therapies and physics experiments outlining how the "energy" you discuss fits into general relativity.

Surely if it exists and exerts an effect it can be detected and quantified, right?

Specializes in Critical Care.

The problem healing touch has is threefold:

First, it has to demonstrate and define the existence of the supposed energy field it premises itself on.

Second, it has to demonstrate a causal relationship between the therapeutic techniques upon the above-stated energy field, and between the energy field and human physiology.

Third, it has to demonstrate effects above placebo in controlled, double-blinded studies.

Its advocates have jumped straight to the third problem, bypassing the first two. Even if it is a successful therapy, without the first two problems adequately solved there is no reason to believe its success is due to an alteration in "energy fields" any more than there is to believe its effects are due to simple physiophyschological responses or solar flares or moon dust or a butterfly sneezing in the rain forest.

Imagine I have a rock. Ever since I've had this special rock, a tiger has come nowhere near me.

I could postulate a special anti-tiger aura emitted from my magic stone or I could reason that perhaps its anti-tiger properties are due to me located in suburban Houston where tigers are not likely to be found in the wild.

The lack of scientific thinking severely irks me.

Specializes in Oncology Certified Nurse, Holistic Nurse.

I am really done with this conversation. I am glad that at 26 you are the smartest person on this discussion, full of answers for all the worlds problems. Become a book smart research scientest or something, and take all the human touch and caring out of the equation.

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