My Study Guide For HESI - Passed On First Try!

I took the HESI test today and passed. A lot of my classmates didn't pass and we only get three chances. I thought that this little guide would help. Nursing Students HESI Article


I have done a lot of research on HESI through the internet and taught myself (through the HESI book, Saunders Questions, course reviews dealing specifically with critical thinking) how to answer questions and came up with this really short guide. Tell me what you guys think. This is really a bare bones guide and I came up with it just now based on what I know. I might add to it later.


HESI is a test that is designed to see how well you can pick the correct answer. If you can always pick the correct answer you have a good chance of passing NCLEX. That's all it does. It sounds stupid but that's what it boils down to. It doesn't measure how much you know or how well you would be as a nurse. It comes down to critical thinking and test taking skills.

Schools use HESI because (at least in Texas) if the pass rate of NCLEX of a new graduate on the first try is below a certain level the board can shut down the school mid semester and kick everyone out. If you stop the people that won't pass the NCLEX on the first try you can have a great pass rate. It sucks. A lot of good nurses never get a chance. There isn't a substitute for knowing the content but it's obvious you can't know every single detail about every single drug or disease. As one of my favorite instructors always says "You know more than you think you know." You just need to learn how to get it out of you.

Even then, studying content alone will not guarantee you will pass. You could know everything about meningitis and know everything about COPD. What interventions do you do when you get a client with COPD that contracts meningitis? What interventions can you not do? If you have good test taking skills and critical thinking you can probably figure out what to do first even if you didn't know EVERYTHING about either disease. You could probably get by with the minimum amount of info on either disease process. Do you know EVERY single calcium channel blocker? Probably not, But if you know that most end in -dipine and how they work then you can probably figure out what to do next or what foods they can't have.

Watch HESI Study Tips...

How did I study?

I studied by breaking apart questions and the answer choices. At the same time I had to review basic content. This was all memory work. The hard part was applying and using critical thinking when you break apart questions. That meant I had to do a lot of questions. But blindly doing questions without figuring out why the correct answer is correct and why the other answers are incorrect won't help you. You need to know why the correct answer is correct and what clues in the questions led you to that correct answer. But you also need to use the knowledge you've gained so far and figure out why the other answers are incorrect. I needed to fully know everything about the question and the answer choices to improve my test taking skills. Better to do 10 questions and break them apart then 100 questions and just look at the rationales. So how do you break apart a question? First and foremost I read the question. THE WHOLE QUESTION. SOMETIMES TWICE TO GET ALL MY INFO. I DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE OPTIONS AT THIS POINT. WHY? BECAUSE YOU CAN GET A LOT INFO FROM JUST THE QUESTION.

The first thing I do is ask "WHO IS THE CLIENT?" Is the client a newborn, a teenager, male or female, geriatric or adult etc. Why is this important? You know that you can't speak to a teenager the same way you speak to a pregnant woman the same way you speak to a widowed Chinese wife and etc. If you know who the patient is then you can infer some things right away: Pedi clients need to be communicated a certain way (Kohlberg, etc), elderly clients may be hard of hearing and need things repeated. These are communication aspects. What about physical aspects? Pregnant women may have physiologic anemia of pregnancy and so their blood levels are off and etc. These are juts broad categories, you should be able to study the more in depth levels with your notes and lectures (communication, age specific diagnosis and interventions or problems, etc..) Knowing WHO the client is might tell you what you CAN and CAN'T DO, SAY, EXPECT etc...

But sometimes they tell you it's just a client. No male or female or age or anything. Sometimes its not even relevant to the question and can even throw you off. But more often than not, it means something. What you CAN NOT DO is assume things. Just because the client has osteoporosis DOES NOT MEAN that the client is female or elderly. DON'T READ INTO THE QUESTION HERE!

The next thing I do is figure out what the problem is. This is the scenario stuff. Maybe the client has respiratory arrest or is complaining about pain somewhere. Maybe the client is showing a physical symptom or an emotional one. The main thing I try to get it out of it is WHAT IS THE PROBLEM. You may get a disease name (client comes in with suspected end stage renal disease) or you may get symptoms (client comes in and complains of coughing up bloody sputum with a fever). Just from this you could probably know what is physically, emotionally, and medically wrong. BUT THAT ISN'T ALWAYS THE PROBLEM ! Let me go off on a tangent here with symptoms...

You need to be able to equate 3 main things. THE NAME OF THE DISEASE- THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE DISEASE - AND THE EXPECTED SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE. If you get either one of the three you should know the other two, at least a little bit. This is all book study. If you know the the patho of a disease you could logically figure out the symptoms. (If you have damage to VIII cranial nerve you could have hearing disorders). If you get the symptoms you could logically guess the pathology as well (the client can't hear, maybe he has damage to the cranial nerve or lost his hearing with rheumatic fever or some kind of ototoxic drug may have caused it).This will give you the clues about where you need to go next with the problem. Regarding symptoms what I thought was important was not knowing every single symptom about each disease but general categories.

General Categories of Symptoms:

Early versus Late signs: If you know something is an early sign you could know what to do to prevent it from getting worse.

Expected Symptoms (easy): you have use what you know, if someone has an infection they usually have a fever, and fever is a symptom. If someone has a respiratory problem the probably have dyspnea or coughing or some sputum. If they have a renal problem they probably have weird amounts and colors and smells in the urine. A lot of symptoms should come naturally. Use your pathology to back up your knowledge and ALWAYS ASK WHY! People with bacterial meningitis have nuchal rigidity. Why? Because the meninges in the brain are irritated. WHY? Because there is an infection Why? The most common routes of bacterial meningitis are community acquired like in college dorms. Why? And so on...It's a helpful exercise. You really do know a lot!

Expected Symptoms (hard or giveaways): but sometimes they are just weird and you're just gonna have to memorize them. The patho might not be explained or it might not make that much sense. But luckily some things are dead giveaways. If a kid sounds like a seal when he coughs he probably has croup. If a patient has black tarry stools he's probably on iron supplements.

Sadly, this DOES NOT ALWAYS TELL YOU WHAT THE PROBLEM IS. Take this hypothetical example: A client is diagnosed with some late stage terminal cancer and expresses worried concern about how her family will handle the news of the diagnosis. What is the problem? Is it that she has a terminal cancer or that she has to figure out how the family will take it? How about a kid who yells and angrily refuses to take medication because it makes him feel sick? What is the problem? Is it that the meds make the kid feel like crap or that he just won't take meds and has an attitude problem? You could very easily read too much into the question here.

Here's what we know so far: we have the client and can infer certain things about them (use facts, don't read too much into it and don't ask what if? They're males, females, learning disabled, teenagers, pediatrics, or mothers) We know the scenario (the client has this medical diagnosis and from that we know these are expected symptoms or we have symptoms and we can guess what is wrong with them. We can think of certain drugs that would be given and what the earliest signs of the disease are. We can even predict what interventions we would do) and we have a general idea of what the problem is (it might be the symptoms, it might be the symptoms are causing the client to worry, it might be a family functioning thing or something, etc.) but we need one more part of the question!

What is the question asking you?

This can be a really tricky or really easy part. It's also one of the most important. and the part I need to improve on....

A question might ask you what to do FIRST. You have four choices. One of them is the BEST answer but ALL of them could be CORRECT. You have to do some book study and figure out where the priority is. Use Maslow, think safety, think ABCs, think what is killing the client fastest, think which client dies first. I don't really have a way of doing this rationally. When a question asks me what to do first I have to look at it from different points of view to figure out what is priority. Sometimes the other answer choices may not even deal with question. Hypothetical: You have a client going into shock, and one of the answer choices deals with a diet. Obviously, not a priority. Sometimes ALL the answer choices make sense. What I did is if I couldn't eliminate a single answer because they all sounded good I put them in priority of what should be done first. And what you do first is the right answer. It doesn't always work but its better than blind guessing. You can relate the answer choices to the patho or symptoms for clues. Like if it's a respiratory disorder GI interventions don't take priority. It sounds like common sense. And it is. But if you second guess yourself, well, then what can you do?

See if the question is asking you to complete an INTERVENTION, ASSESS A SYMPTOM, MAKE A NURSING DIAGNOSIS, EVALUATE A SITUATION, PLAN AN INTERVENTION...etc... The reason for this is simple. If the question asks you what intervention you would complete, you HAVE to pick an INTERVENTION. Why? Because the INTERVENTION will FIX the PROBLEM. You can toss out answers that ask you to evaluate something. How can you evaluate something when you've done nothing to fix it? You can toss out answers that ask you to fix the disease but not deal with the PROBLEM. Remember the angry kid who wouldn't take his meds cause it made him feel sick? Throw out the intervention that says 'You have to take the meds or you'll stay sick or get sicker". Yeah, the kid needs to take the meds. He won't get better if he doesn't. But you're not dealing with his anger or med side effects. An intervention that deals with those makes more sense.

What if one of the answers tells you do document? Ask yourself is this expected? If it's an expected outcome then it's OK and you should just document. Doing anything else is redundant or could harm the patient. But you have to know what is EXPECTED!

What if an answer choice tells you to pass on the client to someone else? DON'T! You're the nurse, you have do something. Just ask yourself "Are you passing the buck?" If you are, then you're picking the wrong answer.

What if the answer choice is asking you to notify the MD? Ask yourself when do you notify an MD? Obviously, if the situation is an emergency! But what if there is an expected complication, even an unexpected one? Say you have a postop patient from surgery with a dressing and you notice a foul odor. Are you just going to run and call the MD that you smelled a foul odor? Or should you assess the client and see if there is bleeding, how much bleeding? Presence of pus? How much pus? You're thinking infection, take his temperature. Get all the info that is relevant and try to rule out obvious things before you talk to the MD. What if that foul odor wasn't coming from the dressing and was coming from somewhere else and you just ran to the MD without assessing? What if the foley catheter is not draining? Run to the MD? No, check to see if its kinked.

It's really incomplete and I started rambling somewhere towards then end. Just let me know what you guys think.

Damn, I wish they had this around when I took my HESI back in AUG. I passed on the first try and scored in the mid 900's. But there is many people at my school who did not pass it still on the 3rd try. Im not sure what happen to them. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me.

Thank you so much for sharing your insights. I totally agree with you. Since I am a new nursing student and not familar with the critical thinking or communication. Which HESI books or CDs do you recommend to use or do anyone who took the HESI before can recommend some good HESI or NCLEX practice books to me. Thank you so much. The forum is very helpful; I am glad I found it. Jen

Wow, i haven't been on this site in forever and since its registered to an email I never use I've missed all these posts. My sincere apologies for that.

A little update: I graduated in May 2009 and took and passed the NCLEX-RN on October of 2009. (took my sweet time). I later spent some time doing some more pre-reqs for my BSN. Currently I am looking for an RN job. The fact that I am a new RN looking for a job in an off season internship is a journey with a story all its own.

I will eventually write some more study guides and tips just because I think its good to keep sharp with critical thinking skills and all that. The problem is that HESI often changes and no doubt has changed since the last time I took it. The reason for this is that the people at HESI tool their tests to match up with the NCLEX-RN which has already changed its format. By this I mean that the NCLEX will focus its subject areas (i.e. med admin, safety, communication, etc) in different amounts ( i.e. 10% med admin becomes 15% and safety becomes 12% from 20% or whatever).

New types of questions will be asked and older types of questions will be dropped and many will stay the same. The thing that matters is that you need critical thinking skills and a solid foundation in your nursing skills, medicine knowledge, test taking skills and etc no matter what HESI and NCLEX can throw at you.


I have been asked by many what types of books I studied from. I have a lot. I mean ALOT. Saunders 2009, the HESI book given by the HESI company, Prentice Hall reviews and rationales, and even something called PracTest by HESI.

PracTest by HESI is an online account that you USED to be able to buy that gives you internet access to a bunch (like over 500 something questions, I think) online quizzes. It was amazingly hard. They threw the most obscure questions with the most obscure symptoms, drugs and interventions with 4 answer choices that most people in their right mind wouldn't think of doing. Most of the answer choices sounded the same, the multiple multiples were insanity.

Me and most of my friends that had access to it failed all the practice tests. Even with the book in front of us. And all of us doing the same questions at the same time. And there were like 5 of us. And this was like the seventh try on the same online quiz.

You can still buy the software in some places (medical book stores, online in some places, etc) but you have to register the software and get a new key because most likely the old key you got in the package will not work. I had to call Evolve and get a new key. What is happening now is that HESI is bundling the software with the nursing school. If your school has an account with the HESI company that involves getting a key would have access to it. Otherwise...good luck. Some schools have it and most don't. The only reason I got through with it is that I grabbed the last copy at my local medical book store right as I saw the shop lady pulling all the copies off the shelves and registered it like 5 minutes later.

Now, is it worth it? I would say it helped, just like any other study guide would. If all I had was this PracTest would I pass? No. Definitely not. You need to have a solid foundation with good critical thinking skills to pass. The PracTest is not some holy grail that will let you pass. I would have taken the HESI book given to me by the company over the PracTest if I had to choose. The PracTest is just hard online quizzes and their rationales. No other type of information is given. The thing about it is the rationales kinda suck. They didn't make any sense and they didn't really help me. Now, everyone is different but from my view it didn't help me as much as I would have liked.


So now we get to the question of what type of book you should study from. When you're at borders or barnes and noble or whatever, go look through some. What I always look for is a lot of questions with GOOD RATIONALES and TEST TAKING STRATEGY! Take a few minutes and answer some of the questions. If you got them right did the book say why its right and why the other answer choices are wrong? Did the book offer you tips on how to take the question correctly? I like these kinda books.

The second thing I look it as does it have a CD with practice questions? Here's the thing. You have no way of knowing in advance if its good or not. My ultimate CD program would let you choose how many questions, the option to look at the rationales right away or at the end, a way to track what kind of questions you're good and bad at etc....but anyway most don't. But better a CD than no CD.

The third thing I look at is cost. Do you really have 90 bucks to spare? No, of course not. You're a nursing student. You don't even get enough sleep let alone have money to go to something that doesn't involve caffeine or sugar. Its no crime to write down the ISBN number and author and see if you can't find it online for cheaper.

Here's just just a brief list of the books i studied from in no particular order:

-Med Surg Success- Kathryn Cadenhead Colgrove, Judy Callicoatt: 978-0-8036-1576-2 (

-> I highly recommend this and all the other ones (its a series, i think there's one in pharm, fundamentals, etc)

-Prentice Hall -> any of the ones in the series

-Saunders -> pretty much the gold standard

-HESI book

-HESI PracTest

Now here's the thing. I had a lot of other books and CDs. Where did I get them? From the textbooks that I had used in class. Don't underestimate how much help those CDs can give you. I probably used those as much as I used the other ones that I shelled out good money for.

Most importantly you need the time to review them and understand your own train of thought to figure out how best to improve upon your own test taking and critical thinking skills. If you're going to buy the books buy them during break and start on them. Keep up with the questions everyday but remember QUALITY OF QUESTIONS over QUANTITY OF QUESTIONS! And of course remember that you're skills at testing can't help you if you don't have the basic knowledge foundation about what you are studying.


When it came time to take my NCLEX I wondered very much if I should shell out another 500 bucks to take the Prentice Hall or Princeton Review or some other review course. I had passed HESI and been out of school for a few months. I passed the NCLEX on the first try but I didn't take any review course. My ATT was running out and I thought I could review better on my own than in a class. After about a month of studying I finally took it. Studying for NCLEX and that experience is another post on its own. My advice is to take the course if you want.

Anyway, i hope this provides a basic review of what I studied from. Hope it helps.

I hope this provides the adequate background about what I studied from. I need to go work on my resume.

Wow, i haven't been on this site in forever and since its registered to an email I never use I've missed all these posts. My sincere apologies for that.

A little update: I graduated in May 2009 and took and passed the NCLEX-RN on October of 2009. (took my sweet time). I later spent some time doing some more pre-reqs for my BSN. Currently I am looking for an RN job. The fact that I am a new RN looking for a job in an off season internship is a journey with a story all its own.

I will eventually write some more study guides and tips just because I think its good to keep sharp with critical thinking skills and all that. The problem is that HESI often changes and no doubt has changed since the last time I took it. The reason for this is that the people at HESI tool their tests to match up with the NCLEX-RN which has already changed its format. By this I mean that the NCLEX will focus its subject areas (i.e. med admin, safety, communication, etc) in different amounts ( i.e. 10% med admin becomes 15% and safety becomes 12% from 20% or whatever).

New types of questions will be asked and older types of questions will be dropped and many will stay the same. The thing that matters is that you need critical thinking skills and a solid foundation in your nursing skills, medicine knowledge, test taking skills and etc no matter what HESI and NCLEX can throw at you.


I have been asked by many what types of books I studied from. I have a lot. I mean ALOT. Saunders 2009, the HESI book given by the HESI company, Prentice Hall reviews and rationales, and even something called PracTest by HESI.

PracTest by HESI is an online account that you USED to be able to buy that gives you internet access to a bunch (like over 500 something questions, I think) online quizzes. It was amazingly hard. They threw the most obscure questions with the most obscure symptoms, drugs and interventions with 4 answer choices that most people in their right mind wouldn't think of doing. Most of the answer choices sounded the same, the multiple multiples were insanity.

Me and most of my friends that had access to it failed all the practice tests. Even with the book in front of us. And all of us doing the same questions at the same time. And there were like 5 of us. And this was like the seventh try on the same online quiz.

You can still buy the software in some places (medical book stores, online in some places, etc) but you have to register the software and get a new key because most likely the old key you got in the package will not work. I had to call Evolve and get a new key. What is happening now is that HESI is bundling the software with the nursing school. If your school has an account with the HESI company that involves getting a key would have access to it. Otherwise...good luck. Some schools have it and most don't. The only reason I got through with it is that I grabbed the last copy at my local medical book store right as I saw the shop lady pulling all the copies off the shelves and registered it like 5 minutes later.

Now, is it worth it? I would say it helped, just like any other study guide would. If all I had was this PracTest would I pass? No. Definitely not. You need to have a solid foundation with good critical thinking skills to pass. The PracTest is not some holy grail that will let you pass. I would have taken the HESI book given to me by the company over the PracTest if I had to choose. The PracTest is just hard online quizzes and their rationales. No other type of information is given. The thing about it is the rationales kinda suck. They didn't make any sense and they didn't really help me. Now, everyone is different but from my view it didn't help me as much as I would have liked.


So now we get to the question of what type of book you should study from. When you're at borders or barnes and noble or whatever, go look through some. What I always look for is a lot of questions with GOOD RATIONALES and TEST TAKING STRATEGY! Take a few minutes and answer some of the questions. If you got them right did the book say why its right and why the other answer choices are wrong? Did the book offer you tips on how to take the question correctly? I like these kinda books.

The second thing I look it as does it have a CD with practice questions? Here's the thing. You have no way of knowing in advance if its good or not. My ultimate CD program would let you choose how many questions, the option to look at the rationales right away or at the end, a way to track what kind of questions you're good and bad at etc....but anyway most don't. But better a CD than no CD.

The third thing I look at is cost. Do you really have 90 bucks to spare? No, of course not. You're a nursing student. You don't even get enough sleep let alone have money to go to something that doesn't involve caffeine or sugar. Its no crime to write down the ISBN number and author and see if you can't find it online for cheaper.

Here's just just a brief list of the books i studied from in no particular order:

-Med Surg Success- Kathryn Cadenhead Colgrove, Judy Callicoatt: 978-0-8036-1576-2 (

-> I highly recommend this and all the other ones (its a series, i think there's one in pharm, fundamentals, etc)

-Prentice Hall -> any of the ones in the series

-Saunders -> pretty much the gold standard

-HESI book

-HESI PracTest

Now here's the thing. I had a lot of other books and CDs. Where did I get them? From the textbooks that I had used in class. Don't underestimate how much help those CDs can give you. I probably used those as much as I used the other ones that I shelled out good money for.

Most importantly you need the time to review them and understand your own train of thought to figure out how best to improve upon your own test taking and critical thinking skills. If you're going to buy the books buy them during break and start on them. Keep up with the questions everyday but remember QUALITY OF QUESTIONS over QUANTITY OF QUESTIONS! And of course remember that you're skills at testing can't help you if you don't have the basic knowledge foundation about what you are studying.


When it came time to take my NCLEX I wondered very much if I should shell out another 500 bucks to take the Prentice Hall or Princeton Review or some other review course. I had passed HESI and been out of school for a few months. I passed the NCLEX on the first try but I didn't take any review course. My ATT was running out and I thought I could review better on my own than in a class. After about a month of studying I finally took it. Studying for NCLEX and that experience is another post on its own. My advice is to take the course if you want.

Anyway, i hope this provides a basic review of what I studied from. Hope it helps.

I hope this provides the adequate background about what I studied from. I need to go work on my resume.

hi again, thanks for reply and i hope you would reply again:) i actually got the book and hesi practest but i cannot access it even i have access code..i called the hesi customer service and they said i can only access it if i have instructors code but i dont have since i am a foreign graduate..can you please send me your instructors code..i really in need to pass the nclex coz it is my 3rd time to take it...hope you can help me...

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

HESI need to make a code available for International nurses that buy their books and resources. Please do not post instructor codes on here, instructors may not like their codes handed out without prior permission


Thank you again for your helpful recommendation on the HESI books. I will check them in the bookstores. I wish you good luck at your job hunting. Jen

Thanks for the info. I need all the help I can get. Do you know how prioritize nursing diagnosis on the Hesi. I keep picking the most life threatening diagnosis but apparently that is not the right way. Any other helpful Hesi hints can be sent this way:)

This will be a quickie. I'm just going to make up a question on the fly and hope it makes sense and is factually accurate. You'd be surprised how hard it is to make up questions. If something is inaccurate let me know and I can fix the question or make it more clearer. This should apply to PRIORITY questions, what to do FIRST questions (i.e. Interventions) and Nursing Diagonsis questions (but not always...)

Ok, the most life threatening disease or condition isn't always the right answer. At the same time picking Airway over breathing and circulation doesn't work either. It does work for a lot of things though! You need to make sure that the condition is APPROPRIATE to the question, you have high PRIORITY, and its RELEVANT as well. Let's take the ABCs for example.

Airway, breathing, and circulation.


Let's say you have a patient that is in the ER. Upon assessment you detect that he has severe lacerations and stab wounds on his thighs and legs. He is complaining of pain (duh), he is very pale and sweating and also has a weak pulse but is responding to questions and screaming about how the monsters will come and take him away. You are asked to determine what intervention takes priority?

A- Maintain a patent airway.

B- Sit the patient upright to help him breathe better.

C- Tell the patient that there are no monsters.

D- Type and crossmatch and give blood per MD order.

So what can you get from the question?

He's bleeding. He's been stabbed. He's pale probably from the blood loss and this can lead to shock. The pulse is weak so shock again added to the blood loss. The sweating also adds to this. He is RESPONDING to questions but his mental condition is probably shot. He's a mental patient. Probably schiz. The main problem is that he's going to bleed out.

A-Airway - well, yes, it'd be nice if he could breathe. But think what good breathing will do when he bleeds out and dies. Well, at least he was breathing ok until he died right? Yes, its IMPORTANT. Then again, no where in the question do you get the idea that he can't breathe. Eventually if we can't stop the bleeding breathing will be a problem. So it's IMPORTANT but not really appropriate. Let's at least CHECK ALL THE ANSWERS.

B-Breathing. Again, there is nothing that tells you that he can't breathe. It's would be good to have him breathe... also you might not need to sit him upright if you're gonna work on the leg. A better position might be indicated.

C-Yeah, there are no monsters. But again, it would be APPROPRIATE (mental patient) and it is IMPORTANT (well kinda). but is it PRIORITY (not really)? The problem is the blood loss. you could argue that it'd be easier to treat him if he was calm, but that doesn't address the bleeding. You can really read too much into this one here just because he's a mental patient.

D-This is what I would choose. It addresses the problem of the blood loss.


Ok, so that was an easy question. But the thing that is important is that you go through some sort of process when you do a question that allows you to break it down and analyze everything. Priority questions and what intervention to do first questions are kinda hard. I can recall one book or another telling me what decision tree (kaplan) or choice diagram (one of the other books) to follow when I get one of these questions. Here's my solution:

Break out your study questions and a piece of paper. Maybe even print them so you can write on it.


1. Read the question once and write down what you can pull out of it but be careful not to read into the questions and come out with something that wasn't in the original question. When i went through my practice books I always UNDERLINED ALL THE KEYWORDS.

2. READ all the answer choices.


3. GO BACK to the answer choices and write why you think its RIGHT AND WRONG. i.e RATIONALES!

4. Go BACK to the question

5. Eliminate what answers you think are wrong based on what you wrote.

6. Pick an answer. Based on what you wrote

7. Make sure the answer you picked can be backed up by what you know.

8. This should be the right one.

It sounds like a long process and it is, but if you practice it a lot it becomes second nature.


-Look up the right answer and compare your rationales with what the book says. If you got it right but for the wrong reason THIS IS BAD. You're gonna get it wrong somewhere down the road. You need to get the question right because you got the facts right. Likewise you should look at the answers you eliminated. If you got it eliminated for the wrong reason, you're gonna mess it up again.

- You're gonna need to compare your thought patterns with your book study. Take those rationales you wrote down and compare to the disease process in your book. Maybe you taught yourself something incorrect or you forgot something very important. You need to do this with the incorrect rationales for the choices you eliminated too. Did you eliminate it for the right reason or did you just eliminate the right answer because you didn't know?

-You'll start to notice patterns. (Hey I always eliminate the right answer first! or I always pick the wrong answer! etc). this will help you figure out what your thought patterns are.

-When you practice one question may take like 5 minutes to do if you follow this. Combine that with how many questions you're doing....well....if it helps it helps, right?

When you get really good you should be able to say why option A, B, and C are wrong and why and only why option D is correct. In effect you can already predict nearly word for word what the rationales are as they are printed in the book. I actually made one of my non nursing friends think I memorized an entire 2000 page Saunders book because I could predict not only why it was right, but why other thing were wrong.

It's a skill that you need to practice.

I though this was going to be shorter but oh well..

Regarding decision trees, I don't think you need them if you can break down a question. You should be able to apply twenty different decision trees (i.e. do maslows first, then ABC, but not airway if this then that etc) or (i.e. check that this condition is not this then make sure its not food related and that you do that etc) to the same question and get the right answer every time otherwise its useless.

The main reason people give decision trees is to help you think better. I think you think better when you can break down a question and its answers. Priority, Nursing Diagnosis, and what to do first become so much easier in my opinion.

good luck

Thank you Sisph. It is very helpful. I appreciate that you spent the time explaining the ABC. Jen

That was good information. I will apply that to the Hesi.

Specializes in ER.

Thanks for all of the info! I agree with your tips. Some of my professors throughout nursing school gave us some of the same tips. I also took the Rutgers U. Review, but that focused on more content. The content review was good for me since I am more of an auditory/visual learner rather than reader. I also did about 1600 questions and I tried to always review the rationals, even on the questions I got right. Unfortunatly the HESI CD only allows you to review the questions that you got wrong, so I found myself taking notes during the test on topics that I wasn't sure of so that I could read up on it when I was done with the test.

Of all of the practice quizzes and tests that I took, my average was only a 67.59% :eek:. I've read on some other posts that this rally wasn't that bad of a score. Hopefully I get more than an 850 on the HESI and pass the NCLEX.

Anyway, I have my HESI tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!