Trying to get on at the hospital

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Psychiatric, ICU, MED-SURG.

I have been trying to get my foot in the door at 2 local hospitals, I start LPN school soon and I want to find a job somewhere in the hospital, I really want the experience! I have offered to even work in laundry,as a PBX operator ect but no luck! I have been applying for 2 years. I have an excellent work record but cannot get hired! I really want to get used to the hospital environment.

Any ideas on how I can get "the forces that be"to notice me and give me a shot?:confused:

Maybee when you start class and start clinacles and get some exsperiance and contacts you can get a job as a nursing assistant.

Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..

Good luck to you. I have had the same problem here in "small town" Texas. I can't even get an interview! It makes me mad that the powers that be won't even take the chance to get to know me and see what I can do.

I feel your pain! I have tried for the last month or so to get a job. I have 2 semesters left for my RN and cant get a PCT job to save my life at any of the 4 hospitals in town! Jacksonville, Florida at that! There are many job openings so that is not the reason. I wish I had advice for you but I am looking hard also!

Trying a job fair tomorrow...wish me luck!

I too have had no luck getting a job at a hospital and have been trying for a couple of years and a few different hospitals. I did see on one hospital's website that nursing students should call the nurse recruiter... I never did because I did not want to leave my current job - but maybe you could try that.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

I have phoned them, emailed them, talked in person, emailed some more, worked connections, and saw them again......I always get the same response "We will call you if we need you"

And yes.....I do call them after a short period of time.

Any Nurse Recruiters out there that can give advice on what you look for?

Specializes in CICu, ICU, med-surg.

Same problem here. I've applied for several jobs and never heard anything. I'm hoping that after my first semester of nursing school, I can work as a nurse tech. Good luck to everyone in your job searches!

I've been trying to get a Nurses Aide job at the hospital I want to eventually work at, and they called me in for interviews, offering me a Companionship Job (eventually leading to a Nurses Aide position). They told me they'd call me with an official job offer and salary, but they have yet to do so. My interview was last Tuesday, almost a week ago, and I've heard nothing. I'm guessing that's their way of telling me they don't want me. I was really excited that I was almost hired too... I would have been assured a job there once I graduate nursing school. Suppose I'll have to try again, good luck to you!

I'd consider volunteer work. You can start immediately, have more choice of hospitals & continue looking for paid work. 2 years is a long time to be shut out from working in a hospital. You'd probably start volunteering within two weeks. Doesn't pay in money, but volunteering is rewarding to the soul.



I know exactly what you mean.

I applied to every single hospital in the Pittsburgh area as an Aide or PCT and didn't get a single response. What erks me is that I have an aunt who is a Part Time nurse at one of the local hospitals and she said that just about all of the other floor nurses complain that they don't have enough aides and the ones they do have are not very serious about their jobs - come in late, leave early, bad attitudes, etc.

Here I have an excellent track record and can't even get anyone to give me a call back.

I have found that the major problem is that most hospitals now have you apply for positions online. When that happens it's a pretty good bet that no one will ever look at your resume. I applied for a job via online/email and I received an "automatic" e-mail response telling me that they received my resume 6 MONTHS AFTER I HAD APPLIED!

I think something else that's a detriment to your favor is when you apply for jobs. I imagine if you apply later in the spring or during the summer there aren't many positions available because Student Nurses on summer break fill in. Maybe if you apply later on in the Fall or Winter you'll have a better shot.

I'm hoping that once I get a semester or two of nursing classes under my belt I'll be more marketable and have a better chance at finding a job. Hopefully, I'll really like some of the LTC and hospitals that I will do clinicals at and network my way into getting a position with one of them.

I have also noticed a lot of "Open House" Recruiting sessions for RN's. I was thinking of going to some of those just so I can meet some of these recruiters face-to-face and hand them my resume. Even if they aren't looking for Aides or PCT's I'll at least have an "in" and be able to make a good impression on them and hand them my resume in person. It could lead to my resume being put on the top of the stack.

Volunteer if they are not hiring. It is the best way to get noticed outside of getting a job. Good luck!

Specializes in Psychiatric, ICU, MED-SURG.

Good Ideas everybody, I am going to keep on trying, I start LPN classes soon but I already have a CNA and a home health aide certification. I am tired of hearing these hospitals complain about not having enough nurses, just because I don't have LPN or RN behind my name (yet) they don't want to give me a chance. I don't know why they don't understand that if they get me started with them now and I learn their procedures I will more than likely go on to work for them when I do have my license.....

I have a full time job now that pays well its just not what I want to do with my life, I would rather make a little less and be close to the profession that I want to be in than make good money and be miserable. :(

So I guess I will just keep on waiting and maybe check into some other hospitals or clinics. Thanks for all of your replies. I wish that not so many of us were in this predicament.

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