Supportive Spouses/Significant Other

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i hear so many sad stories of students, rns,and lpns, having to put up with mean, abusive, lazy, crappy, husbands, or wives or they put up with this from a boyfriend or girlfriend. does anyone out there have a supportive mate? :confused: i went thru the abusive husband routine my self. that was a long time ago. i have been with my boyfriend for eight years, and he is always supportive of me. he wants me to quit working completely for the whole time i am in nursing school.

i see this as a blessing. i just have trouble with not working at all.

he is a hard worker, good to me and my family, saves money, and treats me like a queen. i am nervous about not working. he makes sure i don't want for anything. so, what is up with me? i think i feel guilty and worry it will be a little rough on him? he really is a great guy. :kiss anyone else feel a little weird for not working? i am very greatful for this gift. not complaining at all. :) let me hear some from some of you.

I was hesitant for many years about going to nursing school (started the process when I was 22, but was overwhelmed by the paperwork, financial aid, not ready yet, I guess), and made all kinds of excuses.

When the time came that I couldn't bear my CNA position any longer (14 years doing the same, static thing...observations and input diminished, but my words put on the care plan, asking for my grading on the Braden scale and what do I think the risk for falls is, but not educated enough to have official input in the care plan process..couldn't take it any more!) I essentially got my back up and ready for the fight I was sure I was going to have with my husband...and was totally disappointed! He essentially said, "Whatever keeps you happy, keeps me and the kids happy, you'll be home on the weekends and we'll be more like a family again...just keep the n**kie coming and feed me sopmething decent every now and then!"

With his support and tolerance for a less-than-clean house and hours on the computer, studying--I'm carrying off averages all above 95, and excelling in clinical. I do hate asking for money, but I do a little data entry job on the computer for the smaller-bill money, and to pay our child care, so I'm not totally fund-less. It is completely worth it, and I hope he knows how much I appreciate his willingness to carry all of us for the first time in our lives together...good luck to all of us!

gotta take time to praise my sweetie here. He is so excited about me going back to school and always tells me how smart he thinks i am. He has supported our decision for me to be a sahm for the past 3 years and is ALWAYS asking me if i need help with anything, or if i need quiet time to study. He is a special gem and i thank god that i found and fell in love with him.:)

I love all these stories! I agree, we hardly ever talk about the *good* stories.

My hubby and I are both going to nursing school. After both of us starting out in school with different career paths, we have now turned to nursing. We are both working full time, going to school full time, we have an 18 month old daughter and we take in foster children. I swear if it weren't for him, I would have quit long before now! He does 80% of the cooking, cleaning, child-rearing ect. I think he handles stress a little better than I do.

Unfortunately We both have to work full time to make ends meet. But as soon as I am done with nursing school, I am letting him quit working, (he is 1 year behind me). When he is finished, I am going to quit working to go to school for my CRNA.

It is definately a give and take relationship (though I think he gives more and I take!)

I thank God every day that I met this man!

This is a great thread!

My boyfriend has been so wonderful since I decided to go to nursing school. :D He was a little wary of it at first, but I kept telling him that it would benefit both of us and our future children! We have been together for 7 years so we have a lot invested in each other. When I graduate, I want to take him on a nice vacation somehwere and pay for it all myself, and buy him anything he wants after that!! I am going to a private university so we are paying out the nose. He has been really great about it! I have to work FT to pay tuition, but he has really helped me a lot and has been soooo patient when I am ready to throw in the towel. Here's to our great (patient, loving) significant others! :kiss

Yes, I do have a supportive spouse. He works full-time as an industrial carpenter and part-time doing body work/painting in our garage. He installed a huge picture window in the garage so that he could keep an eye on the kids playing in the yard while he's working too. He does the dishes far more often than I do. Takes the kids to karate and ballet. Cooks up a storm (he even bakes buns and cooks up a mean pot of chicken barley soup) and makes sure the kids do their homework and have their baths. He reads to kids every single night (has without exception since they were born - even when he is working out of town, he will phone to do this). Now that I am doing my preceptorship (full-time 12 hour shifts days and nights for sixteen weeks) he has also started doing the grocery shopping.

It is amazing to have such a wonderful spouse and count myself lucky each and every day to have him. He has been supportive of my efforts in nursing school from day one.

My husband was the best when I returned to school to become an RN. I never would have made it without him. He is also very supportive of my decision to work part time in nursing, as my job is so physically demanding and stressful, I could not do it full time.

Specializes in oncology.

My husband has been great. More supportive than I ever dreamed. He has taken up the slack with the kids and really pitched in helping me with everything. I am very lucky. He is going to need a vacation as much as I do when I graduate.:D

Hi! everyone, WOW! Hats off to our wonderful "Honeys" All of you are terriffic. The input on this thread has been so encouraging and I thank you. I guess it is true I was a little worried about that

co-dependency thing. SCARY! :eek: But, so far so good. I think I will just keep on doing what I am doing, and if I really feel the pull

to go back to work, I can do a few hours a week, as long as there is no intereference with school. Have a great day everyone.


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