Rules for Nursing School

Nursing Students General Students


Following on from the other "Rules" Threads:

1. Turn off your mobile phone, if it absolutely must be on, let the lecturer know and keep it on the lowest possible volume or on silent (it is a rule at my school if your phone goes off you owe the lecturer chocolate or alcohol depending on the lecturers preference)

2. If you are a new student don't act like you know more than the students who have been there for longer (unless of course you do)

3. If the course has an online group and you can read previous questions, do not ask the same question again and again, the lecturer and other people will get sick of answering the same question 5 or 6 or even 7 times (you will be notified if the answer is different)

4. If you tell someone something it's bound to get around to other people so be careful what you tell people (Rumours spread extremely fast)

5. Be polite to your lecturers and respect them for who they are (They are the ones marking your assignments, and I'm afraid they know a lot more than you do presently)

6. If you have a story you are willing to share related to the current topic by all means share it but if it's not related forget it

7. Don't constantly complain about the number of hours you have to attend campus or how long it takes to do your assignments or how much study you need to do or how many readings you have, everyone is in the same boat and if you keep doing that you are likely to get offside with other students.

He he I have some.

1. If your fellow student asks you for a little help. Help them! they will help you too in the long run.

2. Listen to your intructors and their experiences so you have an idea what you are getting yourself into.

3. Have a sense of humor. Some teachers know how get the tension off the room by telling jokes. So if you dont get the jokes that will suck for you.

4. You need to learn how to say no to parties once in a while. Hehe this one is tough.

5. Read, Read, Read, Read, those books that you have!

6. Just hang in there. ;)

Specializes in Oncology, Ortho, Neuro.

I would also like to add that if you can't show up on time, wait for a break to enter the classroom! People coming in late are disruptive and annoying. I know emergency's happen, on occasion, but it seems to me that there are ALWAYS repeat offenders.

what's wrong with tube tops? i personally do not wear them but i don't understand why so many ppl on this discussion are so concerned about how others are dressed. just try to do your best, be friendly and helpful to your classmates and good things will come to you! you're going to encounter ppl that annoy you and do not make the same choices as you for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. it's better to accept ppl if they are not directly affecting the level of your learning. it makes for a happier world (and nursing school experience).

Following on from the other "Rules" Threads:

1. Turn off your mobile phone, if it absolutely must be on, let the lecturer know and keep it on the lowest possible volume or on silent (it is a rule at my school if your phone goes off you owe the lecturer chocolate or alcohol depending on the lecturers preference)

Why do you need to turn it off? Some of us have families? bong hello??? If someone a member of my family calls me I may need to excuse myself from that "oh so important" lecture to walk outside of class and answer my phone. I mean - what is a lecture anyway? someone reading to you off a powerpoint? I am sorry if you havent learned how to read and absorb information by now than you are 2 far gone sister!

2. If you are a new student don't act like you know more than the students who have been there for longer (unless of course you do)

What does this mean exactly? Dont act like you know more - just be yourself thats all - if your instructor is saying something stupid or incorrect call him or her out on it.

5. Be polite to your lecturers and respect them for who they are (They are the ones marking your assignments, and I'm afraid they know a lot more than you do presently)

They may have more experience but i have heard some instructors say some really assinine and ignorant things. They are not God, if they say something you dont agree with ask them about it, and for god sakes if they start bringing up their political agenda durign a nursing lecture dont stand for that crap - you are there to learn to be a nurse not be indoctrinated with a bunch of nonsense.

7. Don't constantly complain about the number of hours you have to attend campus or how long it takes to do your assignments or how much study you need to do or how many readings you have, everyone is in the same boat and if you keep doing that you are likely to get offside with other students.

Actually you should complain because a lot of what you do in nursing school is a waste of valuable time that could be spent doing more important things. Moreover, venting is therapeutic anyone will tell you that, so rather than smile and sing "kumbayaa" when you have to do a stupid ridiculous 12 page care plan the night before a test, say to the instructor "excuse me, will i ever in my life have to write a 12 page care plan?" and maybe she will come to her senses and realize how stupid it really is.

Specializes in LDRP.

Don't call your instructor after having 4-6 cranberries & vodka FROM A BAR on finals day asking if she graded your exam yet. *true story*

That's just not right. I'm a mother of 4 kids while in nursings school. I have a child at home with CP and a feeding tube. She has also a coupe of seizures and in reality is at risk for developing a seizure disorder because of the CP and a possible family history. There's no way I would make myself unable to be contacted for 3 hours. I keep my cell phone in my pocket in clinicals on vibrate. I can't expect my husband to call the hospital, ask for the right floor while in a panic is something happens.

About a year ago she was barely breathing and had to be rushed to the ER...he doesn't handle this stuff well.

I don't leave it on ring and I won't answer it in class...but that's really unfair to make that kind of rule especially with that kind of punishment.

I to am in nursing school with four kids. The one thing I found when I had to restart the program last year is that life gets in the way and when it does then you have to re-prioritize. How do you make it with a sick baby? For me, I think that would be more than I could take. Not only is there many hours spent in class each day but there are hours on end spent studying. My healthy kids have a hard time getting along without me. Kudo's to you!

Specializes in oncology.

Hi Bar Bell,

I was kidding, sorry my humor comes out like that. I didnt think that people actually still had boob tubes. But I guess this day and age anything is possible. Thanks everyone for the great advice!!!!!

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
what's wrong with tube tops? i personally do not wear them but i don't understand why so many ppl on this discussion are so concerned about how others are dressed.

Just waiting to see you wear one at work and for a job interview and see what happens.

If you have a bad cough..stay home, I hate when I have to listen to student coughing while I listen to the lecture at home.

I don't think this is meant as a know it all thing. It is a type of learning as well as a communication style. It helps to keep the person focused on the lecture.

Yeah, but the CONSTANT Katherine Hepburn style nod is distracting.

So is the instructor (no names will be mentioned, but if any of my classmates are on here, they will know who I am speaking of INSTANTLY) who has a twitch in his a**. I mean, I know there has to be some short circuit there or something, because this dude has the nervous tic of twitching his left GM. Wouldn't be such a distracting thing if he didn't do so much lecturing while writing on the white board.

Keep all repetitive nervous movements to a minimum. The incessant nodding, the buttcheek twitching, the pen clicking, the shaking your leg (yes, even though you are just moving your heel up and down while your toes rest on the floor, the vibrations are going through the floor to my chair which is right in front of you); all of these things are distracting.

Have a sense of humor. It will go a LONG way in making a bad day better. Don't be "that person" who takes every single thing personally..seriously.

:idea: I second that thought.

Wooo. I just read through all the thread. I'll third this, and addition to gaining a sense of humor, lose the self-righteous indignation. I can get bent out of shape occasionally and get pissy, too; but try to keep it all in perspective.

Don't get in a pissing match (on line or in real life), no matter if you "win" and show us all how awesome/smart/sensitive/funny/well read/whatever you are, you still end up smelling like urine, you know?

Let the irritating things go, learn to laugh at the absurd and at yourself, and remember that it's not all about you all the time. Don't take things personally.

Keep gum, a toothbrush and toothpaste, a couple of nice smelling facial cleansing pads, a pair of clean underwear, five bucks, and a tampon in your bag at all times. Nothing cannot be solved with one or a combination of these items.

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