Next set of questions...

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in ED.

1. The client with retinal detachment is admitted to the nursing unit in preparation for a scleral buckling procedure. Which of the following would the nurse anticiptate to be prescribed?

a. Bathroom privileges only

b. elevating the head of the bed to 45 degrees

c. placing an eye patch over the client's affected eye

d. wearing dark glasses to read or watch television

2. The nurse is caring for a client who is on strict bedrest. The nurse develops a plan of care and develops goals related to the prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Which of the following nursing actions would be most helpful to prevent these disorders from developing?

a. applying a heating pad to the lower extremities

b. encouraging active range of motion exercises

c. placing a pillow under the knees

d. restricting fluids

3. The nurse is caring for a suicidal client. The most appropriate nursing intervention in dealing with this client is to

a. demonstrate confidence in the client's ability to deal with stressors

b. provide hope and reassurance that the problems will resolve themselves

c. display an attitude of detacchment, confrontation, and efficiency

d. provide authority, action, and participation

4. The client with tuberculosis, whose status is being monitored in an ambulatory care clinic, asks the nurse when it si permissible to return to work. The nurse replies that the client may resume employment when

a. three sputum cultures are negative

b. five sputum cultures are negative

c. a sputum culture and a chest x-ray fulm are negative

d. a sputum culture and a mantoux test are negative

good luck all!!!

Here are my guesses--





Okay here it goes and would love to see more questions





1. b

2. b

3. a

4. a

Specializes in NICU.

a... after the procedure, not before. Pt wil be prone with HOB flat afterward, I believe. Before the procedure, the eye will likely be patched.




Specializes in ED.

Anyone else before I post the answers tonight?

Specializes in post-op.

1. c

2. b

3. a

4. c

Specializes in ED.

1. = c Rational- The nurse places an eye patch over the client's affected eye to reduce eye movement. Some clients may need bilateral patching. Depending on the location and size of the retinal break, activity restrictions may be needed immediately. These restritions are necessary to prevent further tearing or detachment and to promote drainage of any subretinal fluid. The nurse positions the client as prescribed by the physician.

2. = b Rational- Persons at greatest risk for pulmonary emboli are immobilized clients. Basic preventive measures include early ambulation, leg elevation, active leg exercises, elastic stockings, and intermittent pneumatic calf compression. Keeping the client well hydrated is essential because dehydratgion predisposes to clotting. A pillow under the knees may cause venous stasis. Heat should not be applied without a physician's prescription.

3. = d Rational- A crisis is an acute, time-limited state of disequilibrium resulting from situational, developmental, or societal sources of stress. A person in this state such as a suicidal client is temporarily unable to cope with or adapt to the stressor by using previous coping mechanisms. Onr who intervenes in tis situation (the nurse) "takes over" for the client who is not in control and devises a plan (action) to secure and maintain the client's safety. Once this has occurred, the nurse works collaboratilvely with the client (participates) in developing new coping and problem-solving strategies.

4. = a Rational- The client must have sputum cultures performed every 2-4 weeks after initiation of antituberculosis drug therapy. The client may return to work when the results of three sputum cultures are negative because the client is considered noninfections at that point.

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