New BSN Student, Feeling Helpless :(

Nursing Students General Students


Hi guys,

I recently started an accelerated BSN program (I'm in my second quarter now) and I'm about to start my first clinical. My school is a new school, we've only graduated 5 cohorts so far. We recently got CCNE accredited.

I love nursing. I want to be a nurse so, so bad it's all I think about. I am so CONSUMED with what happens after I graduate. It's getting really bad.

For instance....

I am OBSESSED with my resume. I obsess about what I'm going to wear to an interview. I browse job openings on a daily basis, in class. I badger the career counselor all the time. I stalk the alumni of my school on Facebook. I am so worried that I won't get a job after nursing school because my school is new and isn't well known. The anxiety is so overwhelming sometimes I can't stand it.

My classmates think that I'm a freak, I haven't made that many friends so far because no one can stand how up-tight I am. I feel constantly pressured to be perfect and I feel like if I'm not perfect I'll never get a job. I am so terrified of failure.

Everyday I read posts about new grads who can't get hired and it scares me so much. If there's anyone out there with any advice for someone like me you don't know HOW much I would appreciate it.

Specializes in Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgical.

Have you considered a few glasses of wine to calm down a bit?

(Sorry AN if this is interpreted as medical advice):

That joke aside, you sound highly anxious about both being in school and the future, and it is coming out in obsessive behavior. If it continues, it could be seriously detrimental to your networking and social opportunities in your program. I am constantly being told in my program that nursing is a small world and hiring managers have long memories.

I would seek the advice of your health care provider to discuss options for more constructive behavior and management.

SuniRN....the school being new has no bearing on job hiring, as long as it's accredited, which is what most hiring people review. Also, if you wear a conservative suit such as Talbots, and not much jewelry, you'll be fine. They want to know you can perform the job, so I think you should probably concentrate on doing well in your studies and the rest will follow.

We all get sidetracked from time to time, and I think you did in this instance. You're overthinking it.....I'm sure you've heard that before. Good luck in your new profession!

Calm down, take a deep breath. As long as you're a licensed registered nurse the hospitals won't care what school you graduated from. Put your effort into doing well at school and possibly finding a nursing assistant/tech job at a local hospitall.

I'm sure that by the time you graduate you won't have a problem finding a job.


I agree with all of the other posts (especially the glass of wine :)).

I really think you should focus on clinical and getting the most from your learning experience. How you interview and what your resume looks like won't mean a thing if you don't get through your program! You are going to make yourself sick by worrying so much!

Just to lighten things up for you....What's an RN that got all A's in school? An RN. What's an RN that got all B's in school? AN RN!!!!

Take time to smell the roses and enjoy the learning experience. The rest will fall into place for you. You'll do great!

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

sure sounds like garden variety anxiety. You may need to talk to a professional and perhaps get tools to help you calm down. I have this problem sometimes and use prayer plus a key chain with "In everything give thanks" inscribed on it. It was given me by another nurse and it is a tangible reminder that I am not in control and don't need to be. I believe nurses who have this problem are concerned they will make an error. You will at some point. But if your anxiety is not under control you may allow that error to ruin a great career. You have my sympathy - but that does not help. Get help

i agree that your level of anxiety and demands for perfection are over the top and you describe how they are getting in your way. you describe yourself as unhappy with this, and you already know it's excessive. yet you are unable to stop doing this to yourself. well-meant advice like "lighten up" is not going to cut it.

(and as an aside, students, when a patient with anxiety that's getting in the way of a healthier life presents himself to you, your therapeutic communication with him had better not be "lighten up," or "you'll be fine," or baseless reassurances about future job prospects. denying someone's symptoms is never ok.)

so, since you know all this already, your next stop is not the liquor cabinet (self-medication is never a good idea) or even an, but the student health department for a referral to a qualified counselor who has seen this many, many times before and knows how to help you. please do this today, before the weekend.

I would definitely speak with your health care provider about your anxiety. Hopefully they can steer you in the right direction to learn some coping skills, etc. to help you. Please try to bear in mind that while it is important to look at the forest, it is also important to see the trees. If the obsession with what happens post-graduation is getting in the way with learning essential nursing/critical thinking skills, accreditation of your school won't much matter ;) Good luck!

hey SuniRn.. I am also going to start my BSN and that school is also CCNE accredited.. What school did you go? i m little worried about CCNE accreditation as i don't know anything about this accreditation and also the school is expensive... I had a question if anyone can answer. After going to CCNE accrediation school if i be able to take my licensure exam NCLEX , will i be able to find a job?? please reply....

This feeling is something I think a lot of students deal with, and you are not alone. I have days where I think, "OMG, I just cannot get this all done!" When you have these feelings, take a break for a little bit. Personally, I find an episode of Family Guy to be cathartic. The wine suggestion above is also a good one :) I imbibe on those nights where I just want to kick something.

Just try to take it one day at a time. I know this can be hard, but it helps.

Ok I'm right with you on the anxiety issues... I have anxiety issues,bipolar and adhd... I would enjoy talking to other people and learning together I'm sure it would help us both/....

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