How many use a car for class/clinicals?

Nursing Students General Students


I just wanted to collect a general survey as to how many nursing students use cars. I haven't had a car none through my time in college, but then again I live in a big city. It's troublesome sometimes, but you have to do what you have to do to meet your goals. Any other bus riders here, or are you all drivers or carpoolers?

Car. I have 3 kids to transport before and after school plus I live 20 miles from school in the county so no bus service. There is a bus that goes to the school though so if I lived in the city that would be an option.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

drive!..gotta go all over the damn place for clinicals here...

some of what I have read here is not that dissimilar for my situation. in order to be at class for 0900, I have to be on the bus at 0700; its 0600 for a 0800 class. for clinicals, I was able to convince my mom to drop me off at the tram station to cut off a lot of the transit time, especially going to clinicals at the hospital next to my school for 0645, in which case I would have had to get on the bus at 0400 or something. I don't think the bus even runs at that hour! I choose either of two buses to get to my school, but it almost always ends up being a 90 minute commute. I'm on the bus each day for well over an hour, one way. What do I do in that time? Study, well, until the buses started transporting more people and I could no longer spread my stuff across the seat. I find it heard to read with my book, backpack, and purse in my lap with someone staring at the side of my head, looking at what I'm reading.

Time is very precious this summer, so I'm not too happy about waiting 10-20 minutes on a bus when I could be where I need to be. But if you don't have money, you don't have money. simple as that. I carpool and bum rides when I can, but I don't like feeling like a liability to others. Consider yourselves blessed to have a car. As of right now, money is more precious and I know cars come with many expen$e$. Ugh, maybe after I graduate and can work a real job when my money won't disappear for school each semester.

A car is an absolute must for school and clinicals where I live. We dont have public transportation in the outlying metro Detroit area. Even if we did, I cant imagine using it, it would be way too inconvienient with ever changing schedules. I have to leave my house for clinical at 5:30 in the morning to get there on time.

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