The dreaded dosage test

Nursing Students General Students


Hey I have an idea---actaully I was inspired by the practice quiz threads.

For those of us that are about to take our dosage test, how about we post our practice questions on this thread for extra practice.

How does this sound?

Just an idea. Let me know if anyone is interested, and I'll post some of the ones that we were given for practice.

That one of the only thing I'm not tutoring for but have given tons of advice on the subject. LOL

Here are some great sites with practice tests.

GOOD LUCK ALL !!!!!!!!

Once I got the hang of it, I actually liked Dosage Calc! (Of course, we had an awesome instructor, too!;))

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

i am game. let me know when, subec

O.k. I'll post some of my examples.

1. Order: Demerol 60mg IM prn Q 6 hr c/o pain

Available: Demerol 75 mg/1cc

You should administer _______________minims

2. Order: Morphine elixer 125 mcg Q 12 hrs for pain

Available: Morphine elixir 0.5 mg/1 tsp

You should administer _______________ml.

3. Order: Penicillin 2.0 million units IM now

Availabel: Vial of Penicillin 5.0 million units

Directions for reconstitution are: add 3.5 ml dilutent for total

volume of 4.0 ml

You should administer _______________ ml

4. Recommended dose for Kanamycin is 15 mg/kg/day in 3

equally divided doses. Your patient weighs 121 pounds.

Your patient should receive ____________mg each dose.

5. Order: Cephaloxin 2.5 gm IM q 12 h

Available: 5 gm vial.

Directions: Reconstitute with 4.6 ml of steril water to give

1,000 mg/cc

You should adminster ______________cc

O.k. here are a few. I'll post the answers after a while.

Please----everyone add there own examples. The more the better!!!!!!

1. You shouldn't be giving demerol, it sucks

2. pretty weak dose for q 12, find that patient a new md.

3. Nobody gives pcn IM anymore, again, new doc time

4. No route, not a valid order

5 1 gram tid is a much better dosage.

Sorry, just being a butt head, see what you have to deal wiht when you are a nurse ;)

Just curious -- do you have to learn all of the conversions or are you allowed to use a cheat sheet?

We have to learn all of the equivalents, but when I took an RN course before we didn't have to based on the fact that they are always available to a nurse anyway.

Disclaimer: I am NOT good at this! LOL, our math was briefly gone over for the first time on Tues. and my conversions may be wrong, but this is exactly what I was going to work on soon anyhow...

1. 0.05 minims

2. 1 ml

3. 1.6 ml

4. 275 mg

5. 500 cc

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

I will answer in the morning sometime.

Okay, here is my calcs then:

1) first conversion s/b from ml to minims (answer will be in minims). 1m/15ml x 1ml/75mg x 60mg dose = 0.05 minim

2) first conversion s/b from ml to tsp (answer will be in ml) 4ml/1tsp x 1tsp/0.5 mg x 1mg/1000mcg x 125 mg dose = 1 ml

3) 4ml/5 million U x 2 million U dose = 1.6 ml

4) 15mg/kg x 1kg/2.2 lbs x 121 lbs/patient in 3 doses = 275 mg / dose

5) 1cc/5000mg x 1000mg/1g x 2.5g dose = 0.5 cc

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

val, i am going to bed :) i didn't see the minim in the first problem. goooooddddd night! i will redo the problems sometime tomorrow. good grief. :zzzzz

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