Whats the big deal with support hose?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in New PACU RN.

I keep hearing/reading people rave about support hoses. How are they different from regular hoses and tights? How do they work?

And do you wear & swear by them? :)

They are different due to the amount of pressure they exert on your legs, which is supposed to be more effective in pushing the blood out of your feet and back up into your legs. This, in turn, is supposed to help relieve tired and aching legs. It's kind of like ted hose, but not quite as extreme.

I wear them; I have arthritis and I do notice a difference between when I wear them and when I don't. I have more joint pain without them. However, I've noticed that my shoes play a far bigger role in how my joints feel than the hose do.

I've been fairly disappointed with the hose in regards to spider veins and varicose veins; I've noticed that I'm still developing both of those despite the hose. Perhaps I need some stronger ones.


I was like you many year ago. What was the big deal with support hose? I did not like panty hose so i did not go for it at the time and let me legs ache. Now i swear by them.

The difference is they provide compression at the ankle,calf and thighs. You need to measure these areas before you buy a pair. My goodness my legs do no ache like before and i am able to work better esp with 2 12hr shifts in a row. i get mine from JOBST. They have panty hose and thigh high versions.

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, critial care.

I have the pantyhose version and I love them. I used to come home after a shift and when I took off my socks there would be these indentations on my legs because they had swelled over the course of the shift. Now with the support hose I don't swell around my ankles and my feet don't throb when I get home.

Specializes in Pediatric ICU.

So do you wear the pantyhose/support hose under pants or do you wear a skirt with them? I have tried wearing them under pants and they feel really weird.

I too have varicose veins and want to do something to keep them from getting worse. I had to wear support hose under all my clothes for the duration of my last pregnancy and it really helped. It was a pain in the neck though. I found myself wearing dresses all the time. My uniform consists of a shirt and white pants so hose is going to be challenging.....

Specializes in MS, Hospice, LTC.

I was like you many year ago. What was the big deal with support hose? I did not like panty hose so i did not go for it at the time and let me legs ache. Now i swear by them.

The difference is they provide compression at the ankle,calf and thighs. You need to measure these areas before you buy a pair. My goodness my legs do no ache like before and i am able to work better esp with 2 12hr shifts in a row. i get mine from JOBST. They have panty hose and thigh high versions.

This is something I've been looking into, and I just wanted to know if these hose are prescription since you said you have to get measured first.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

I am diabetic and wear diabetic SOCKS, not hose, when possible. They really make a difference in how my feet feel at the end of the day.

I wear the knee hi socks cause it's too hot to wear the pantyhose...I buy then at the uniform store....you don't need an RX....they work great for me...I love them. The brand is Life Uniform brand I think....

Specializes in IMC, ICU, Telemetry.

I had a massive ileofemoral DVT 3 yrs ago and since then have had chronic pain & swelling in that leg. I could not survive a shift w/o my compression support hose. Even though my clot was in my upper leg, I get plenty of support with just the knee highs. I get mine at Walgreens http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=305106&navAction=jump&navCount=0&id=prod4744. Between the stockings and my Dansko shoes, 12 hr shifts are a breeze (comfort wise, that is!).

Fawzia - I had the same question until recently. Last week, I tried a pair of Futuro support pantyhose from Walgreen's. They really do lessen the achey, throbbing legs at the end of a 12 to 13 hour shift. I wear pants and even socks (padding for my feet), so I am a bit layered, but I think it's worth it.

I'm curious if folks have suggestions for where to get a good deal on support hose online...

I used to wear Jobst "Pumpers" but recently switched to some new cushioned cotton support socks from Sigvaris. They are a slightly higher compression and really make a difference for these poor old tired legs and feet. I found them online at http://www.healthylegs.com/agsupportsocks.html. I told them I was a nurse and they gave me a special coupon code for 15% off all purchases. The online coupon code is nurse15

I use to wear light support pantyhose during the last 2 years - and my legs feel good after a long day ! I wear them under my white uniform pants. I usually put on white cotton socks over them, so the pantyhose is invisible between shoe and pants.

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