What I Love About Nursing Is....

Nurses General Nursing


ability to share my knowlege with others so can help decrease someone's pain, suffering or prevent complications...

helping to arrange services so a person can remain in their castle: HOME rather than hospital ....

networking with others......

learning somthing new everyday so never ever bored!

Specializes in Military nursing (wow!! adventure).

nursing is an art... how we take precaution on different matter in regards to our job... render care TLC that we can carry also apply in our respected families...

Well Nursing is easier than Accounting... maybe because i have passion

the profession, the opportunity to help, the challenges, making a difference..

It provides me with the ability to make a difference in someone else's life.:yeah:

I love nursing because it gives me the opportunity to serve other people while being paid and recieve smiles, thanks yous, little gifts that I will have done without.

I love playing a part in the relief of someone's pain and being a confidant and appreciated as a healer, be respected by friends, families and neighbors everywhere I go.

I love to wake up to a job that I am off every weekends every holidays some paid holidays with good benefits for my family and I.

I love to work with great and smart MDs one of which will be on TV soon for diagnosing a patient with 7yrs illness that no other MD have been able to diagnose and treat.

I love nursing because I can never be out of work wherever I go in the world.

The pay is not terrible, I can buy a home, it helped me when I was single and now as a married woman, I can always survive a financial crunch with the pay I recieve as a Nurse.

OH, how I love to be a NURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!:yeah:

Specializes in Telemetry, ER.

wearing pajamas to work! In what other profession do you get to roll out of bed throw on comfy pants (scrubs) and tennis shoes and then work for 12 hours in them? :lol2:

Specializes in LTC.

having lots of patients and patience...... oh, the life of an angel..!!!!!

the ability to appreciate and understand the importance of life, are able to give to others,(selflessly) hope, courage and strength to those who are truly in need.

gotta love nursing!!!! :)))

i think the most good idea in nursing is you can work in different units or wards, so you never get sick from doing one job...there is always something new to do...:specs:

Specializes in Women's Specialty, Post-Part, Scrub(cs).

What I love about my job is that it isn't a job. It is who I am. It is something in me that I know is good and true. It is the hug I got today from a family member who said, "Thank you so much for making Momma's end so much easier, I know you loved her, too and it was just as hard for you but you did so much that I just couldn't do" (she is a nurse at the facility, as well) It is the smile on the new Mom's face when I hand over the newborn baby for the first time. It is knowing that even if the people I come into contact with do not remember my name, they remember ME> Even my LTC res who cannot remember my name, know my face or my voice and respond to me. It is an joy that cannot be described that wells up from the inside. I am not just an "employee" I am a friend, a companion, a helper, an advocate,a teacher, a lifesaver, and a person. I love what I mean to others and what they mean to me.

Specializes in Family Practice, Mental Health.

The artist who puts pen to paper to describe changes in conditions, or spoken word to hardened ear to soothe frustrations with poor progress, finds little solace in overtime environments and hostile fresh charges to carry the torch on towards another shift.

It the healing that takes places from giving from ones own self through either the own experiences had, or direct observations from ones immediate environment that allows another person who has come briefly into our sphere of involvement to go forth more whole, and more full of life than before. To be able to go to a much better place, whilst we remain to send that next one on.

This is what I love about nursing. It is brought about by a scientific cirriculum that teaches physiological functions, and abstract medical processes that allow up to be close enough to another human being to actually heal them with our art.

We all would do well to not forget that.

This career is mental, physical, emotional, just like a good relationship

you are always learning and will never know it all... which sometimes can be a little overwhelming...I am amazed at how much my nursing career has helped me grow as a person is so many areas of my life...it forces you to think of problems in an analytical way...and the choice in nursing is endless...so many areas to specialize in....one can never be bored ......I LOVE NURSING:heartbeat:redbeathe!!!!

Specializes in Jack of all trades, and still learning.

Watching and having a part in the progression of people from an acute state of illness to a state where they are free to leave the ward.

Being able to help someone gain control over their lives, no matter what their state of health.

The people that 'prove the doctors wrong'.

The 'thankyous' from ppl from whom you'd least expect it.

I live in a region where there is a very strong Aboriginal culture; many of these ppl speak English as a second language, and nonverbal communication is very different. It is really lovely when you gain their trust.

Cameraderie from your colleagues. In some ways, we can speak a different language to the general public. And our experiences can often only be shared by other nurses.

Believe it or not - the shift work!

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