Med Pass Questions

Nurses General Nursing


I was wondering if any of you either have made or discovered a list of drugs requiring vitals to be taken before giving (exp. dig, HTN drugs) I know most of them, and unfamiliar drugs are always looked up before passing but I want to study up on all the vital sign specific drugs and Im hoping a nice list has already been composed rather than searching through my old notes from school. Any help would be appreciated.

Specializes in surgical, neuro, education.

Don't know if you would find something like this that has all the meds that need vitals. If you are not sure about a medication--you should look it up in drug book just to be safe. you could also see if the unit you are on has a list of commonly used meds and make a list for yourself. Also some facilities have a partial list in their policy and procedures manual.

All of the olols - beta blockers - require a BP before administration. Some physicians require it with prils - ACE inhibitors - also. ALWAYS get an apical before giving digoxin. Sometimes diuretics will be held based on BP as well.

The others I deal with require labs to evaluate therapeutic levels - dilantin, depakote, AND dig, lytes.

Our pharmacy prints on our MAR's the ones that need BP/HR, ect on it et gives a space for it to be recorded. I am not sure if all facilities do this but I think it is very helpful.

My facility prints the drug class and diagnosis for taking the med on the MARs. We also have a spot to chart the B/P, pulse, or whatever in the same space we chart the med.

All of the olols - beta blockers - require a BP before administration. Some physicians require it with prils - ACE inhibitors - also. ALWAYS get an apical before giving digoxin. Sometimes diuretics will be held based on BP as well.

The others I deal with require labs to evaluate therapeutic levels - dilantin, depakote, AND dig, lytes.

That just isn't feasible in the LTC setting. No one would ever get their meds passed. We routinely take a pulse before digoxin but only take a BP if the Dr. orders it and it's written on the MAR.

That just isn't feasible in the LTC setting. No one would ever get their meds passed. We routinely take a pulse before digoxin but only take a BP if the Dr. orders it and it's written on the MAR.

I'm in LTC.

Specializes in LTC.

I'm in LTC too... On our MARS all the b/p, HR, give with food, milk, h20 are right there. On a couple of our residents we even have a slot for o2 sats on the MARS.. And we have a book of b/p that we need to get every day.:uhoh3:

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