Greatest code brown stories!

Nurses General Nursing


Please share with me your greatest code brown stories!

Mine happened too be when i was a nurse's aid and i was taking care of a woman who would call her bms her babies. She would only pass once a month and they were the size of a large grapefruit, the actual bm had to be broken up to go down the toilet when flushed.

Or........Maybe it was when my dear nursing school days when a nurses aid was doing an rectal irrigation ordered by the doctor and i was told, "oh the bm wouldn't come out right away, shouldn't be too big of a mess". It shot right back out and almost right into my face.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

When I was in nursing school, I was doing some clinical time at the hospital nearest to my house. As it turned out, I was caring for a pancreatitis patient who happened to share my own personal MD. He had seen me that AM just before I got onto the floor and told me he'd see me later when he rounded. So as I did AM care on this lovely - but very confused and weak man, he let loose a huge loose bm all over the bed (thank goodness for fast reactions other wise I would have been looking for a costume change for myself). I finished cleaning that up, put clean sheets on the bed and the patient had round number 2. So again I begin to clean him up -of course this round was much more dramatic... just then the doctor comes in to round and he says "Oh, Hi Jen... how is it going?" I answered "Just dandy." So he then see's the mess I was working on and says "So I suppose you'd like me to cut the laxative?" My reply was an exasperated "Ya think?".

after reading this thread, my code brown story is kind of tame, but here goes.

about four days after i got my first job as a cna at a nursing home, i walked into this guys room. he was in bed at the time, and i noticed this large brown object in his bed.:uhoh21: i was thinking, what was that, is that a bm? it was, and it was huge!:eek: it took me about five minutes to break it up to put it in the toilet, and i had to flush three or four times. it looked like a cow patty, and it was twice or three times the size of a grapefruit. i didn't think it was possible for any one to have a bm that big.

I remember once, when I was an aide...back then we were nurse's adies.....not CNAs

I had to help the LPN give an enema to this little skinny elderly man.

He was sooo constipated. Well, we gave the enema, and put him on the bedpan.

He was lying there, and we were waiting, watching....all of a sudden that turd shot out of there like a bullet. It went around the curved end of the bedpan, and where it stopped nobody knew. She looked at me, and I looked at her....

She says,"Where did it go?"

Of course it was in there. It just shot out like a bullet. Alot of force was behind that one.

We couldn't help it....we both laughed and I know it wasn't right to laugh in front of the patient, and the patients says,"That's alright girls. Yall go ahead and laugh." I felt so bad for laughing in front of him, but it was really funny.

When I worked in a group home for adults (mentally ill), one of the residents came into my office to tell me the toilet was clogged. I went to look myself, and I saw THE BIGGEST turd in the bowl, laying horizontally, so it wasn't able to flush down. I scratched my head for a minute, then found the resident that made the "deposit". I handed her 2 sets of gloves, double gloved myself, and we each took a plastic knife and cut it up to flush it. The whole time the poor girl was so upset and embarassed, but still laughing about it, so I laughed along with her and told her that I've clogged plenty of toilets myself and it happens, not to be worried or embarassed. She was so relieved that I wasn't upset. But I did have to ask her how she managed to pass something so huge. She said she wasn't sure, but it felt really good to let it go! We had a good laugh together. I miss working there!

i have a couple of stories:

- i had a hospice patient who was on a high dosage of narcs followed by a rigorous bowel regimen. yet she remained impacted. you could see the part of her colon where the stool was lodged. one noc i gave her a cocktail of mineral oil & lactulose, followed by an enema. a few hrs later the stool had moved to the rectal vault. i started to disimpact her, removing hard balls. suddenly and w/o warning, she expelled a lg amt of gas followed by projectile diarrhea. it landed in my face, hair, neck and part of my scrubs!! i swear, it seemed to be close to a gallon's worth of liquid stool. from thereonin, my reflexes have improved tenfold.:)

- another hospice patient who consistently disimpacted herself and would prefer to eat her own stool rather than any meal offered. one day i had to go into her top drawer, where i found approx a dozen napkins. in each napkin was dried, hard stool....probably for a midnight snack.:imbar


:eek: Oh My!

I have to ask and it may be considered a really dumb question because I would assume that this poor woman must have a diagnosable mental illness.

May I ask what it was?

Specializes in Emergency, Peds, Amb. Surg.

I was an LVN in the E.D. of a tertiary University hospital in a wealthy area.

An 77 yo female came in dressed to the nines co impaction.

The attending, another Vet like me (he was in the Army, I in the Navy) said to give her soap suds. "High, hot and a hell of a lot"

I assembled my equipment went into the room and their she was. She took off her gown and was wearing a fredericks of hollywood bustier with stockings. EWWWWWW

I kept a stone face, explained what I was going to do and gave her her gown.

I returned and did two enemas wo any stool, just stench.

The attending told me to attach a BIG foley cath and lube it up and turn on the soap suds as I inserted it. I did so. Lord, I thought that thing was going to come out her nose, she just smiled at me. EWWWWWWWW

The smell was so bad and she creeped me out I asked for another nurse to help. We attached another foley and this the fourth time I felt something happen. But no stool until I pulled the foley/enema tube out. I had bored a hole in a 4 inch by 12 inch piece of hard stool with the foley. As I pulled it out the snake like stool came with it. She smiled at me, "I feel so much better sweety" The other nurse and I smiled covered the bed pan and ran out of their.

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