New grads Need Not Apply

Nurses New Nurse


First, I would like to congratulate all of the new grads who have been able to secure RN employment in this bleek economy. It is a tough market for a new grad RN. A "year experience required" or "not considering new grads at this time" is pretty much the norm. Heck, I even saw a job posting that read, "No new grads or nursing home RN." What?! So, even LTC RN are not wanted.

I have become so discouraged in my Job Search. I graduated this May with an ADN took my boards and passed on the first try, I also have a BA in Psychology. I know there are many of you who have been looking for a chance to get into nursing careers longer than myself. Being unemployed is really no joke. I haven't had a real sustainable job since I lost my full-time job in 2009. It has undoubtable been a very tough time being a single mother to a now seven year old.

Most employers want you to have that one year experience, but if everyone wants it who is going to give it? I say to people that I am an RN and they say, "Oh, what hospital do you work in?" I reply, "None!" People that hear this say they thought there was a great need for RNs because of the nursing shortage. I have to correct them and say there is no such thing. There is only a nursing job shortage.

What will happen when baby boomer nurses start to retire in droves and current new grad RNs with no experience give up on their dreams of being nurses move on to other career paths? Where will these facilities find their new workforce? In my opinion, there will indeed be a nursing shortage. So instead of waiting for that scenario, let them act now!

I have been a part of since entering nursing school. There has been a lot of great threads and comments on this site. I have read through many discouraged new grads postings and feel that instead of complaining about let us band together and make this a real public issue. We can be heard if our voices are numerous and loud.

I hope that I have made sence in this posting. Thanks for any comments.:up:

Because LTC experience is like bad credit and being a new nurse is like having no credit at all.

Only good credit is hospital experience..

This should be on billboards all across america!!

Specializes in LTC, Agency, HHC.
This. Many of the nurses I work with have said they'd be much more terrified to work in LTC as a new grad than a hospital. One of their daughters is a new grad RN at a nursing home and had a week of orientation before she was on her own with 20+ patients she was responsible for. Many nights she is the only RN in the entire building. That is much more unsafe IMO than a new grad having 5 patients in a hospital.

And to trueblue... This is where people come to vent. Just like you vented about how it's unfair that you are doing the same job and treated the same as ADNs. Perhaps some people are tired of hearing people complain about that? Many of these students have been told time and time again "there is a huge nursing shortage you'll have no problem landing a hospital job!" Yes, people should look outside the acute care setting but they are still allowed to be disappointed and vent about it on a message board

I tell everyone that asks me what I think and I think ALL new grads need to spend a year in LTC. LPN/RN....doesn't matter. Once you have to care for 20-30 patients, 5-6 will be a piece of cake! ;)

Man, I swear most of you are me! I had such a grad time funding a job! Looked for 7 months, sent out about 500 applications and just now am starting a job. I applied to everything, hospital, hospice, LTC, SNF, ALF, home health, schools, clinics, you name it there is an application with my name on it there! Finally a nurse manager at the local hospital interviewed me for a med surge position, didn't get that job, but she must have like me because called me back for another interview for the oncology floor and I hit that job! I start tomorrow and am scared ********!

Hello, I'm a junior in a BSN program and I was wondering if any of the people who are having a difficult time finding a job participated in an Extern program? At my school we were told if we were able to get an extern position and did a great job we would more than likely be offered a position.

We were told that too, except the hospital then had a hiring freeze :cry: and while the externs were still offered jobs, they were offered jobs as techs and many were 'waiting' to be hired as RNs once the freeze was lifted.

This is scary! It seems like a few years ago there were tons of RN positions, but now there are fewer and fewer. I won't graduate until May 2015, but I definitely don't want to be stuck with several thousands in loans and no job opportunities. Good luck to everyone currently searching!

The job market is looking better and better for new grads. I graduated in Dec 14' and have a great job with great pay. Try looking for new grad/resident programs and don't wait until graduation to start looking!

I graduated in Dec 2014. I took my NCLEX on Jan 21, 2015 and by the end of January I went on 3 interviews and received 3 job offers. If you try hard it's not that bad.

I agree apply everywhere you can.

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

I'm glad I've widened my search for a new grad position to nursing homes. I have received 2 job offers from two nursing homes and have one more interview to go to and that is for a hospital this upcoming Monday. It will be about 18 days since I received my license and went on the job hunt when I interview. If the hospital won't take me, I am definitely taking up the offer at one of the nursing homes. Every day I am not working is a day that I am not making money...I don't have time to spare.

I have 3 offers from Sanford...All med-surg: oncology, resource and psych. Any words of wisdom? I am a new grad so this would be my first position.

Specializes in Public Health Nurse.
I have 3 offers from Sanford...All med-surg: oncology, resource and psych. Any words of wisdom? I am a new grad so this would be my first position.

I would recommend the Oncology unit. A former classmate started at the oncology unit, and she loves it. I also think, that it will give you a far greater experience that you can use, you should want to move to another unit in the future, compared to the psych unit.

Good luck. I think is awesome you got 3 offers after graduating, not all of us were that lucky when we graduated.

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