BHSN: Applying to Bridgeport Hosp for Fall 2013

U.S.A. Connecticut


Hi All,

I thought I would start a new topic for those of us who are planning to apply to BHSN's Nursing program for the Fall 2013.

I will get things started with my stats (which aren't great...but not too terrible!):

TEAS - 78% (planning to re-take)

GPA - 3.2 (currently)

I also applied to GWCC and Southern, so hopefully I will get into one of these programs!

As far as I know we should be getting the packets before the end of the month. I'd like to hurry up and get to orientation so we can hopefully get some answers to our questions.

I know I am going crazy trying to figure out my schedule. I just have one more question. Does anyone know anything about this ? Do we get if from the school or do we buy it on our own? I know we will be informed at orientation, but I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it. Thanks!

You will be instructed to get it on your own from all info will be given at orientation.

HighlyBlessedRN: Thanks! Also, these notes are amazing. I have been looking over them when I have time.
HighlyBlessedRN: Is it like a monthly charge for the insurance or a yearly payment?

No prob just don't over do it =) its yearly i think like $35 not much $ at all they tell you which one to get

KristenR I'm the kind of person who like to have EVERYTHING planed in advance... so dont wory... you are not alone! lol but at this time I gave up on trying.... Things will happen when they happen... I am not going to get overwhelmed with those details anymore...

I am just looking for a job that gives me flexibility, as our schedule will change all the time....

I know I am going crazy trying to figure out my schedule. I just have one more question. Does anyone know anything about this malpractice insurance? Do we get if from the school or do we buy it on our own? I know we will be informed at orientation, but I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it. Thanks!

I'm in the same boat as far as scheduling. I finally was able to get into the student portal after being locked out and i see that it says DAY for me. Does everyone have it listed as day for right now? Also, I was thinking down the road if anyone ends up wanting to carpool that might be a great way for all of us to save some gas/mileage. I'm from the Bristol area, and work near Waterbury, so if anyone else is around the area let me know, maybe we can work out a car pool schedule come the fall! :)

Jessica77 this is a great idea. I live in Stamford - Glenbrook and i have no idea where I'm going to be working lol

As for the schedule, I just called BHSN again and left a message for ******. I'll update this post as/if I get a response.


* Orientation package (O.P.) is being sent this week. We should all get it on the next 2 weeks. It will contain all the information we need to know, but schedule.

* ****** told me that they are still working on schedule, and that the only thing she can tell is that Tuesday is lecture day, and it goes until 4pm the latest. Sometimes we might leave earlier, sometimes not.... As we already know, LAB + CLI depends on our groups and are 1x week each on the first semester (LAB followed by CLI on the next day) either WED/THU or THU/FRI depending on your group. those LABs and CLIs last from 7am to 4pm sometimes (in case of DAY groups). So for us who are looking for jobs, she recommend that we keep those times in mind. she said this is not official as they are still working on it, but this would be an idea to help us who are looking for a job.

* Vaccines, drug-test and physical: All the info about these topics will be in the orientation package. If you have insurance and want to go ahead and make an appointment with your doc, even better, as some people might not get appointments in time! the list of shots will be in the O.P, otherwise, we can wait for the orientation day to get recommendations of places to go. She said that they recommend the Industrial Medical Center for drug-test, and that they might give you some "special" on the shots, but not sure.... (personalty, I'm going to try the Optimum Clinics, as they charge you by your income.)

I hope it answers some of your questions! :)

Questions, questions??? please ask!!! :)

Vivinursingstudent: Thank you for the info... It was very helpful... I did have one question, does anyone know when the actual orientation day is planned? Will it be soon? Or in August?

You are welcome!

I heard it will be in July. The day is in the O.P.

Vivinursingstudent: Thank you for the info... It was very helpful... I did have one question, does anyone know when the actual orientation day is planned? Will it be soon? Or in August?
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