I'm first!

Specialties CNS


Since it was my suggestion, I thought I'd write the first user post. I suggested it because I'm thinking about moving on toward becoming a CNS.

Thanks Brian!

I thought I would take a peak and see what was up in hear... nice... good idea Matt..

Heh... how did you get your pic on here? I tried that from a JPG formatted pic and I could not upload it... do you have a suggestion on how to set a pic up onn my avatar?


I will soon be starting a MSN program for CNS. I'd love to hear from those out there who are working in the CNS field!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Geriatrics.

Jenn, as if I don't have enough stuff to do I'm considering the same thing! Where are you going to school? Do you know of schools which offer CNS programs through distance learning?

I'm glad to see the CNS category. I'm currently working on my MSN with a CNS focus. It will be nice to dialogue with others that are in these programs or working in this role.


Specializes in Critical care.

Well I have been working as Critical Care CNS for almost a year. I do miss my three days a week and my overtime (I'm salaried), however, I do like every weekend off and the flexible hours (I set my own hours). The heatlh system I work for does not have CNS roles at all of its facilities, though they are beginning to realize how valuable they are, and are going to be hiring some more. I am unit based so my job is a little more secure than those CNSs who work for the education dept. I finished MSN program in DEC 2000, it was not academically hard, but it was very time consuming, pretty much gave up most if not all of my social life, what little I had. But that was the sacrafice I was willing to make. I would encourage anyone thinking about it to look at what the program entails, specifically if the program allows for you to obtain perscriptive authority, I graduated from TX program and it included pretty much the same courses that the NP program took, so I have a perscriptive authority number, though I do not need it for my current role, but I have it just in case. Also, look at what state you wish to practice in as not all states recognize the CNS title (TX does I know), if your are unsure go to NCSBN.ORG and click on Boards of Nursing and you will be given a list of website for all of the Boards in the US... I enjoy my job, it keeps me pretty busy, I would like to do more bedside teaching than I do now. When I started I tried to be in the ICU and CCU and on the TELE floor, doing bedside teaching as things came up, but I had many other things to start working on (Orientation program - still working on it, committee meetings to go to, etc) so I do not do a whole lot of bedside teaching tight now. Though I am trying to change that. I got placed on a couple of steering committees, which I like, but sometimes I'm thinking why am I on this committee?????

Graduate school will open your eyes to the whole picture of healthcare, at least that is what I think, I learned to look at healthcare from a different perspective in grad school...It is hard to explain to people, but just trust me you will be able to better analyze healthcare and will be able to better mentor people and etc....

I also must of had a brain farct, because I have applied for PhD program, for this Fall, GOD what was I thinking, I should know sometime in April if I got accepted.......If I do I do if I don't I don't........

Good luck to everyone here thinking about the CNS role, it is very versatile, and marketable at least I think it is....Oh well that is my 2 cents.

Hey, JWRN, I am looking to start that program in Austin this June! I would really like to hear more about your experiences in it. Would you email me, so we can chat more?

I noticed you aren't set up to receive e-mails here.

Specializes in Critical care.


I did my program at UT HSC in SA. I also will maybe be doing my PhD there also....Would be happy to discuss with you the programs I looked at the one in Austin.....I will try to email you and set up my account here to receive emails...I do not post often, but I usually come to the BB at least every other day if not every day sometimes.....

Specializes in LDRP; Education.


I'm in school for my MSN in Nursing Education, which allows me the flexibility to work as a CNS, an instructor in nsg school, or staff development. I'm leaning towards the CNS role. My very own professor said that you make more in the hospitals anyway - so why work at a university?

I also applied for a CNS in Maternal-Child at one of the hospitals. Oddly enough, the requirements didn't include actually having your MSN, but only that you are in school for it or agree to enroll within one year of employment. How odd.

Anyway, I sure hope to get an interview. I also didn't realize some CNSs have prescriptive authority. I don't think my program is offering that.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

It's great to read the posts in this thread and see that there is a new generation of nurses stepping up to the plate to tackle the CNS role. (Forgive the mixed sports metaphors, please.)

I am an old CNS from way back -- got my first CNS position in 1981, in fact. Over the years, I've had a variety of CNS roles, each slightly different than the other and I have never regretted choosing that career path. I even came back to a CNS role after earning my PhD.

Lately, my hospital has had terrible difficulty finding people to fulfill the CNS role. Most newer Master's graduates are graduating as PNP's (I work at a children's hospital) and are not interested in a role that includes so much staff education, committee work, etc. Most just want to see patients all day and not get involved in "keeping the institution running" and "supporting the staff nurses." They are not willing to give up their overtime pay to take a salaried positioned and they are not willing to work 5 days a week (instead of three 12-hour shifts). It's been very disheartening and the jobs are going unfilled. Of course, that leaves the remaining CNS's and staff development folks left very short staffed. It can be such a great role and yet it seems as if no one aspires to do it any more.

As I said above, I am just so happy to see that there are at least a few people interested in the role! I am thrilled to have you all as my colleagues.


Specializes in LDRP; Education.

Gee llg, count ME in! I am looking for a role that is 5 days a week, full time, primarily education and support of staff nurses! I wish they'd hire me!

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