York University 2nd Entry Nursing 2014

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone!

Interested to know who else will be applying for the 2nd entry program at York U for Fall 2014!

So I emailed the program assistant who cannot be named here if we can take the CPR class in August, she got back to me and said she contacted NPCO and we can book our class in August and it'll be valid till end of summer term. Though she said specifically August 13th (since I asked specifically that date) so I'm not sure if you can book before that but I don't think it'll be a problem.

That's great news! I'm glad it worked out for you and thanks for the info!

Just a minor update:

There have been some late acceptances into the program recently. Congrats to all who've been accepted!

To build on the previous posts, September CPR classes were moved to or added on Thursdays (our day off) to not interfere with classes.

Some time soon I'll go through this thread and find the most asked questions and post a kind of unofficial FAQ for next year's applicants.

Hi there,

Lots of great info, getting excited to start in the fall!

I have a random quick question if anyone would know: on the reading weeks, will we still have practicum shifts?

Hi mkj91,

The reading weeks do not affect clinical/practicum as far as I know. In the fall semester, reading break/co-curricular days is from Oct 29 to Nov 2 which is wednesday to Sunday and therefore doesn't affect clinical shifts which is on Tuesdays. For the winter semester I'm assuming we would not be required to go for clinical on Monday, February 16....not because of reading week but because that is Family Day which is a holiday. I might be wrong but I'm sure we would get all that information once we start.

I saw on an fb group that last year's students didn't have clinical if it fell during reading week.

But, our course outline for NURS 1900 states we'll have clinical the Tuesday right before the start of reading week.

I'm not sure about winter but I'd guess the school wouldn't (can't) make us attend clinical on a statutory holiday. I don't know though.

Is the program brutal, in your opinion? Is it possible to have a part-time job and get good enough grades to pass?

yes it is : ) It just has to show on your transcript that you are taking those courses and then send proof that you have completed them. btw I am currently a student in the 2nd entry program so if any of you have any questions feel free to ask and good luck everyone !

How did you like the program at york? how is the school in general? i got offered admission into the 2nd entry at york and im just trying to weigh my options. any information is helpful - thank you!

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