Yuba City College ADN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! has anyone applied to Yuba's ADN program for Fall 2020? If so, has anyone received their notice if they were accepted?

So, I CANNOT tell you how or IF this will affect us, but ... a lot of the colleges are having their 1-3 semester students retake the last semester (they are allowing the 4th semester students to graduate and not repeat) So because of this - sac state is only taking 40 students instead of the usual 80 students... and It sounds like Sacramento City College is proceeding as usual... but I heard ARC is holding their students back for a semester as well-- They are still screening all the applicants, but have not heard if they are taking the FULL 30-40 cohort students this fall, or how it would effect their numbers. Which means, less students would drop at Yuba (assuming). Still keep our fingers crossed! I heard that SCC and ARC will probably send out their acceptance emails beginning of May (1st or 2nd week) gawd, hopefully sooner!... That is when we would know whats up! At least a little better (by which I mean- we get a call!!) ... This is obviously all conjecture.. and we still have a lot of time, but thought you'd like to know ? ughhh best wishes!! ? Keep positive and keep breathing!!

WOW!! That’s very helpful info thanks so much for sharing!!

Specializes in HARD WORK.

Aww man?

Well, we’re all still gonna get IN!


Sac City received their acceptance emails. ARC is NOT having a Fall 2020 start. They won't start until jan 2021, and they won't hear if they have been accepted until Sept 1!! Which is after our start date.. If you guys hear anything from our office. Please let us know ASAP ? This would be the time that people usually drop. With this happening... it is totally in the air. Good luck to us all! xoxo.

Oh my gosh!! That is so exciting!! Still no news for me yet. I am in the #1 spot so I’m super anxious haha

2 minutes ago, KarinRaz7 said:

Oh my gosh!! That is so exciting!! Still no news for me yet. I am in the #1 spot so I’m super anxious haha

It makes me nervous because less people will drop their spots. I mean, that's how I see it... but I will be excited if you are! hehe Very anxious over here too

I’m worried no one else will drop ? no update for me

Well, I hated to be the one to drop the bomb... but ya know, they have until like Tuesday to make their decision- and people drop for other reasons too ? .. it is barely May, we have until August... anything can still happen. I cannot imagine that each semester is just based upon the drops for those college entrances. right? They found out yesterday afternoon- I can imagine they haven't even told Yuba yet (if that is the case anyway). I have high hopes- for you especially! You had the right idea... let's stay excited! ? Positive vibes!!.. We're RIGHT there.. inches!! I hate being in limbo also. I heard last year a student got called the day before class began! (LOL) It is just a crazy time right now. SO MANY THINGS up in the air. Just keep in touch if you hear anything or speak with anyone ?

I will let you all know the second I hear anything!! Trying to stay positive! ?

Specializes in HARD WORK.

RN in Progress - you have a talent for getting info. The part about someone getting accepted the day before class begins though, is a little unnerving. That’s just one of those one offs I guess, but a lot to digest, thinking if THAT could happen. My mind reels at the thought of the such late notice.

Karin - you’re going to get in, really shouldn’t worry about a thing.

In my case I have good reason not to expect to get in this time. I’m am endlessly amazed at all the details to know about applying to these programs. I was unaware until I read this post several weeks ago that point tie breakers come down to the time stamp on your application. I did not weigh this detail when I submitted, I had not come across that info before and thought the application window was just open for a month.

I think this thread might help future applicants if they happen to be savvy enough to find this board and care to scroll through all the comments.

You are absolutely right nulla Crux! Karin and I both got online the night it opened.. the system glitched, and my time stamp was delayed, however, #3. So, if anything... You know for next semester! Getting on the alternate list is half the battle, sometimes. When you're on the cusp, it is important to time stamp early. It is just different this time with the closing and postponing of other nursing schools ? .. Hopefully the future will be different. But hey- we have not been "rejected" yet ? And you're post above made me feel lots better! We ALL will get in!! ? We will keep positive thoughts and keep supporting one another regardless! This forum helps for communication! - And we will keep doing just that! xx

Just an update - still haven’t heard anything yet! Still trying to stay positive that we’ll see some movement soon! I did ask if yuba was holding any students back and I was told no so that’s good news!

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