Your Thoughts Requested

Nurses General Nursing


My husband and I have been having this discussion since my DR recently found a nodule on my thyroid. What do you think or what would DR's think of a spouse requesting to be in the operating room during a surgery? Do you think it is possible, have you ever had anyone request this. I know it is probably something that people just don't address with their DR's but my husband is adament about this stuff, not wanting if something should happen for me to be alone with strangers if i should pass away. Your thoughts and ideas will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for caring about your patients and me, you are the first one who has not totally bashed me. I am a good nurse and believe in the same things that you do. I don't make people step out of the room when changing "mother" when they have been taking care of her personal needs for years. Why? If they are comfortable, why make them step out? People need to be there for their families because most times family is all you have. With today's shortages it is good to have families participating in the patient's care. Family involvement usually lends to a better patient outcome. When families are involved in the care of the elderly demented patient and ill children they are usually much more calm and cooperative and recuperate much faster with less complications.


I know you state no one has been allowed into a regular OR but what about outside the door,in an observation room, or even the surgeons scrub room which usually has windows?


Sorry Girl but I know of no place that allows family to be in attendance when surgery is going on. The scrub sinks usually serve more that one room and others may be scrubbing for another procedure in another room. Pt privacy is a big issue since doors may have windows that would allow a person to view other procedures as well. The hall must be clear of traffic and extra personel to facilitate the flow of patients equipment ect... and think about it if everyone had a person with them then it would get so out of hand sterility would be compromised. That is why no one not even regular hospital staff are encourage to come in and wonder around. I don't even like it when other OR staff come in and out of my room while I have a patient on the table traffic controll is important to patient safety. I wish I had better news for you but I dont. I hope you find a way to have your nodule taken care of but I really think you will have to give up the idea of having your husband in the OR with you sorry.


Where do you see on my profile that I am a CNA? That is not even a choice under the educational profile. My orginal profile contained my date passing my RN boards which stated "new RN 8/12/03". I have since changed that so no one can criticize me for being a "new" nurse.

To everyone who has criticized my spelling, grammar and punctuation, I would not even stoop to that level, that is just down right nasty. EVERYONE makes typographical errors and to tell you the truth on this BB board I see it all the time but do I comment on it, NO. Let's stop acting like children! I thought we were here to support each other and our profession, not to be judgemental towards others. I just asked a simple question of "yes or no" to seeing or allowing people in the OR, did not expect all that followed. So please forgive my comments in my posts, as I feel I had to be defensive, because I felt I was being attacked. I fully understand the reasoning for things related to the OR but I still feel the way I did before.

To chris de Lucas, I am not depressed or have anxiety about the surgery, if I have it at all. Need to get a biopsy first. I am one of the most happy-go-lucky people around and of the few people who do not take antidepressants. Norman Bates, come on! Just wanted a question answered. I am not a psychotic person, just have feelings, thoughts and wishes just as we all do.

PS, How was my grammar and spelling?

This smells like a TROLL

Thank you for caring about your patients and me, you are the first one who has not totally bashed me. I am a good nurse and believe in the same things that you do. I don't make people step out of the room when changing "mother" when they have been taking care of her personal needs for years. Why? If they are comfortable, why make them step out? People need to be there for their families because most times family is all you have. With today's shortages it is good to have families participating in the patient's care. Family involvement usually lends to a better patient outcome. When families are involved in the care of the elderly demented patient and ill children they are usually much more calm and cooperative and recuperate much faster with less complications.


I know you state no one has been allowed into a regular OR but what about outside the door,in an observation room, or even the surgeons scrub room which usually has windows?

Honestly, weezie, no offense intended, but have you been diagnosed as borderline or bipolar?

Your posts run the gamut from hysterical and hostile to meek and mild, with all the highs and lows inbetween.

Either I have hit the nail on the head, or you are having someone write the more calm and rational posts of late FOR you.

Honestly, weezie, no offense intended, but have you been diagnosed as borderline or bipolar?

Your posts run the gamut from hysterical and hostile to meek and mild, with all the highs and lows inbetween.

Either I have hit the nail on the head, or you are having someone write the more calm and rational posts of late FOR you.

I was actually wondering the same exact thing!

Without even meeting this couple, I think they are likely candidates for the poster children for co-dependency. Weezie, has it occurred to you that your husband, who you claim isn't squeamish (and I'll take your word on that) still doesn't have the slightest clue as to what goes on in the OR? Do you honestly think he'll stand idly by with no questions, as in "why are you doing that, what's happening now?" etc. Do you really want the surgeon, srub and/or circulating nurse to stop and explain things to your husband, prolonging your anesthesia? You can't possibly think that the OR should assign personnel to babysit your husband, do you? What's the real agenda here? Do you or your husband not trust the surgeon, anesthesiologist or the OR team? Are one or both of you control freaks that have a hard time letting go? If your reasoning is that you want him there to say "goodbye" if you should die, it goes to follow that you shouldn't even consider driving anywhere without him on the off chance you're in a fatal accident and he won't be with you. Believe me, the odds of you dying in that OR are much slimmer than being killed in a car accident.

Maybe Weezie is a victim of spousal abuse. Is her husband controlling her to the point of convincing her she will die in the OR if he is not there? Is he worried that once she is alone with the med professionals she will tell them her big secret? Has anyone else wondered this? It's been floating through my head since he posted here a few days back. Hopefully for her sake, that is not the case. But if it is, I hope she can find the help she needs to leave that relationship.

I was actually wondering the same exact thing!

Weezie was on the board when I posted the question to her, and she did not respond.

This gives me my answer: the latest "weezie" posts are not actually weezie's own after all--just as I suspected.

She had to call her neighbor or sister or WHOEVER it is she knows who is capable of constructing a paragraph devoid of run-on sentences, without hyperventilating and overreacting due to anxiety and outrage at responses that do not please her.

We'll hear from one or the other, or both, tomorrow. Maybe DH Glenn will check in, too, to remind us that he could not possibly be squeamish--HE GUTS DEER!!! This whole situation would actually be pretty amusing, if it was not so pathetic.

Specializes in ER.

After ten pages I can't think of anything that could possibly be added to this conversation. I'm sure another troll will come along soon to entertain us, but for now this thread is over.

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