Your Perceptions on Health

Nurses General Nursing


While there are many discussions regarding health practices, nursing procedures, the education in becoming a nurse, take a moment to think about what you really think 'health' is? What is your personal definition of health as an individual, as a nurse? How does 'health' relates to your everyday life, in your career? What interferes with it?

Specializes in Neurology, Neurosurgerical & Trauma ICU.
While there are many discussions regarding health practices, nursing procedures, the education in becoming a nurse, take a moment to think about what you really think 'health' is? What is your personal definition of health as an individual, as a nurse? How does 'health' relates to your everyday life, in your career? What interferes with it?

LOL Eilana....are you in school??? I just had to write a paper on the SAME exact thing as you posted here...and it was phrased almost the same way!

Long story short....Health is whatever the client thinks it is and it is ever-changing. (that was the stance I took for my paper).

P.S. I just read your profile and you are a student! :chuckle What school are you attending? Good luck on your paper!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

NeuroICURN, I was thinking the same thing. Sounds like a school paper project. If it is, nothing wrong with getting a little input.

I agree that health is the maximum state of wellness and it's individualized. A maximum state of health for a 80 year old with COPD is different that with me myself. That's how my perception of health has changed from a student to a nurse. That health is different from person to person.

I think we as a society interfere with our own health with supersized fast food restaurants and busy stressful lives (how many working moms take the time for relaxation and health and wellness? How many busy working students do?).

I have a friend who is a is studying homeopathy and has a accupuncture business and she's fond of saying our health care system as it's designed is set up to kill people.

While I don't necessarily agree with that, I do think our medical system sometimes interferes with good health. Especially the inequities in care between the rich and the poor. Or even the middle class with the middle class sometimes being squeezed too tightly. While the poor can get health care, a middle class or "working poor" can not maximize their health because of the cost.

Also, I think we go too far and sometimes have unrealistic hopes in keeping people alive. I think we need to realize that there it's sometimes healthy to die.

Haha! I had to answer this same question at the beginning of school.... :)

I think good health would be when the mind, body, and whatever else that can be contained in one human being's realm of experience is in harmony, that is, I guess, in peace and tranquility and without excess fear, pain, anxiety, or deteoriation.

Boy! Does that ever sound great!! I have boys at home -- peace and tranquillity and an absence of anxiety are foreign concepts to me -- :chuckle I also have chronic condition that continues to deteriorate and causes alot of pain. HOWEVER -- inspite of all -- I believe that I am relatiely healthy. I do what I can, am able to maintain a positive outlook on life and live it to the fullest that I can. I see my situation as better than the situations of many others, am greatful for all I have and intend to beat the things that are trying to control my life! Absence of pain sounds great! But it's presence has made me a kinder, more compassionate nurse -- it has taught me a I have to say it has done great things for me. The progression of the disease (although slow and THank GOd - possibly stoppable) has taught me to treasure life -- give it up? YES! give up? NO WAY! The lessons it has taught are invaluable. So, while others who don't know about what we are dealing with ( no obvious symptoms to the casual observer) would think that I am healthy-- my healthcare professionals may not.

How do I see health? Absence of illness or disease would be great -- but in my world, health is living life to it's fullest within the situations you find yourself. Loving life, your family and finding fulfillment in what you do. Taking care of your body can prolong (in most cases) the length of time you have to live out your health-- but living YOUR life to it's highest potential -- or most fulfilling is health at our house these days.

Health is feeling good. :)

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