Your last day in the ER


Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Your last day in the ER, what will you say to some of those patients, who ask the stupidest quetions. What would you like to say when there is no more fear of getting into trouble.

Q. pt asks how long is the wait.

A. Hang around and find out,duhhhhhh

Q what is the doctor going to do????

A. whatever it is, I am sure you desreve it

Q. Do I have to wait much longer

A no, you can leave anytime you want

Q is it going to hurt

A Im sure it is.

Q how much longer before I get called back

A there is a 30 minute penalty everytime you ask me that question.

Q. Will my cut leave a scar

A yes, duhhhhhhh

Q. How long before I get my shot

A I am waiting for it to be delivered from Egypt

Q how do I take this pill

A rectally

Q how do I take this suppositiry

A orally

Q do you take my insurance

A if I say no will you go away

Q I know the sign says no cell phones back here, does

that include me?????

A YES, who did you think it meant, dummie!!!!

Q everytime I turn around to look at my heart monitor it jumps all over the place, am I all right.

A, No !! its trying to tell you that if you move again you will die certainly.

Q is he going to be able to play soccer.

A, I dont know can he now.

What gems have you ever thought of saying, to some of the questions pts ask.

Specializes in ICU.

:roll I can relate to the cell phoones - had a patient the other day who "wasn't using the phone - he was just checking the text messages" well double DUHH! "Would sir like that phone inserted rectally??"

When my least liked frequent flyer comes in with a sore throat that is a 10/10 on the pain scale, I would put his thumb on the overbed table, hit it as hard as I can with a hammer, then say: That was a 10/10...tell me again the number for your sore throat??

This is a liittle off the subject, but it really gets to me when people come in complaining of a HA, sore throat, a cough, or any number of other complaintsand when you ask them if they have taken anything, they say no! "Not even tylenol?" They answer "No"...Duh!!!

Specializes in Emergency/Critical Care Transport.

As RMH alluded to with the previous post.

When the people come in c/o pain and they say they haven't tried tylenol or motrin. I'd love to say.

"Well go home and try some and come back tomorrow if it doesn't help. In fact let me give you my schedule you can come back anytime when I'm not working."

"But I don't have the money for them." As they fumble around with their cigarettes, chips, and soda.

"Then I guess you'll have to get a job. Thank you for choosing Suburban Hospital. Next please!"

:biggringi My last Day should My Lord and Savior allow me to have, will be filled with many fond memories. Don't get me wrong I am certainly not perfect, and have had many of those same emotions related by you both. However the vast majority of my experiences have been very rewarding. I will be both relieved and sad, that my career is ending. I will remember the little girl who fell off her bike and had road rash from head to toe, and how I was able to get her to smile although I know she was in great pain, how well I related to injured children, and how they related to me, even in their worst moments. I will remember the little old ladies being flirtacious, and the boys and men who were very appreciative of my care for them. I will remember the lives I've been blessed to touch. I try to remember each and every day, that many of the less fortunate and less educated people I've had to deal with, were in the emergecy room because they had no other access to Healthcare, and that this situation that is being forced on us all by our Congressmen and Senators, and not by the poor and uneducated. If we are honest with ourselves the majoity of us are only a few weeks or months away from homelessness ourselves. If you believe this to be untrue, then why is it that most of us including myself work two or three jobs. Is it because we are all Greedy? Is it because we all love our profession so much that we can't stand having leisure time, because we must be "saving lives" I submit that our reasons although diferent for everyone, some of the motivation is definitely "There but for the Grace of the Lord Go I" Wishing everyone frequenting this BB the best year of their career in 2004. :kiss

Originally posted by Medic946RN

As RMH alluded to with the previous post.

..."But I don't have the money for them." As they fumble around with their cigarettes, chips, and soda...

Medic946RN you are so on the money with that one!!!:rotfl:

I think on my last day in the ER I would:

Tell the parents who think it is OK that their 14y/o daughter smokes a pack a day (and they buy them for her) "get the h&*# out of my ER

The parents who don't give their baby Tylenol because they wanted me to see how high the fever could get. "get the h* out of my ER

The patient who is on disablility for "anger control problems" "Yeah, me too.....get the h%$# out of my ER

The patient who comes in....emphysema, asthma.....c/o SOB.....smokes 2 packs a day.......get the h$#& out of my ER

ANYONE who comes in c/o Migraine and lists their allergies as Toradol, Ultram, Ultracet, Vistaril, Darvocet and all NSAIDS....oh yeah Tylenol and all migraine medicines.....get the h* out of my ER.

gotta stop now, I could go on for days...............:devil: :chuckle :(

I agree with your comments!

Add "I have a back injury and I can't get in to see my doctor for 2 weeks, but I need pain meds....."

or ' I've taken a pain pill that really worked best, ltes' see, its....vica...via...oh yeah, vicodin"

'i'm here for a sore toe, but can he look at my ear and this weird mole on my back anyhow?"

Jayrborn, I love (and live!) what you wrote--thank you for putting it into words--

Now I just need to keep it foremost in my mind, because I agree with the other posts too!

Seeking Strength always--


Originally posted by gettingmymsn

I agree with your comments!

Add "I have a back injury and I can't get in to see my doctor for 2 weeks, but I need pain meds....."

or ' I've taken a pain pill that really worked best, ltes' see, its....vica...via...oh yeah, vicodin"

'i'm here for a sore toe, but can he look at my ear and this weird mole on my back anyhow?"

:D and don't forget "i was in a car accident last month."

"well, what is bothering you that brought you in today?"

"well nothing is bothering me but my lawyer told me that i should come in and get checked out!"

can you say 1-800-pre litigation physical?:devil:

Specializes in Emergency Room.

1. my back hurts. my throat hurts. my tooth hurts.

sorry! that's not an emergency, here'ss the address of the nearest urgent care! next!

2. My wife is nauseated! do something!

Tell her to go ahead and throw up, here's a basin. she'll feel much better after.

3. Did the Dr. write me anything for pain?

No. You don't need it. you just want it.

4. I refuse you to poke at me! It'll hurt, and I don't want my blood taken either!

Then leave.

5. Why does he want a urine sample from me?

to see what drugs you are doing, dumb***.

6. I've been waiting in here forever, and no one has come to check on me!

That's because you are only marginally ill, and we were all in the next room busy with someone dying.

i't be kind of nice to not have to take it, but to give it too! :devil:

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