You are Awesome!

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    Editorial Team / Admin

    Joe V

    7 Articles; 2,561 Posts

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.
You are Awesome!

It's great to get some recognition for all the work you do. I know it doesn't happen as often as you like but you are appreciated. With everything you do - nursing career, taking care of patients, husband/wife, kids, finances, etc ... you are bound to make someone happy today. Give each other a ((virtual hug)). You deserve it. ?

You are AWESOME!!

Nurses, share your stories! What do you juggle on a daily basis?

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Specializes in Critical Care.

Thank you ?

The cartoon is super cute.

Specializes in Peds PDN, Med-surg.

We are awesome indeed! :yes:

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

No juggling during any given day here. I devote 2 days a week for BSN courses; 2 days a week for work; and 3 days a week for me. Absolutely nothing is allowed except for its assigned day! I don't take phone calls from work on school days, I don't do school work on work days, and I certainly don't do either of those on my days. But, if we consider what we juggle in a week, let's chat.;).

Strategic planning at is best!:D

Thankfully all I have to balance is school work and a husband! No kiddies yet!

Thank goodness my son is grown... however, I have to toss in juggling illnesses.... its tough when you often get sick!! :yuck:

have a great day!!

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.


Thank you Nurses! I don't think you hear it enough. ?

You are the kings and queens of healthcare.

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