50 Years Old and Just Became a CNA Would Like to be RN

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I am 50 Years Old and Just Became a CNA Would Like to be RN. I would like to know if there are others like me starting out at this age. I am interested in becoming a RN and to go into the Associate RN program. I am more serious than I was in my previous careers. I believe I am more serious since I am getting older.


Thank you so much for the website and the encouraging words. I do feel a need to give back to the community through substance abuse counseling and working as a CNA.

I suppose at my age the realities of changing careers are intimidating to say the least. I have found it necessary to stop and find which needs to come first; that is, how do I support myself while learning and achieving certifications? My past career was at best becoming a chore and then out of the blue I became laid off indefinitely. I look at this as God doing for me that which I could not do for myself. I couldn't quit that career of almost 30 yrs.; so someone had to do it for me!

Thank you again for your help. I will continue to be here asking what I am sure may sound like silly questions, but knowing in my heart the career move is best for myself and others who have suffered an addiction of any kind.

Yes, finding the correct structure for my work and certifications/degrees are challenging. With the trio I have in mind (SAC, Spiritual Caregiving and CNA), I believe the order of achievement would be in the reverse order as I have just written, right? That is, CNA, Spiritual Caregiver and then SAC.

Are there any specific, or general time frames for certification in nursing?

I am under the impression that here in North Carolina the certification process is only a few months. Does this sound right? Are there any prerequisites other than a high school diploma?

This is one of the sites I have been referencing my decisions upon.

Thank you all for your support. I have many online forums that I frequent and you folks have begun with stellar attitudes..!

Hi all,

Any one know anything about this site and its validity? It almost sounds too good to be true.

Thanks for your help as always...

Good luck! Of course you can do it. You have much life experience to draw upon and that will help you so much in the field. When I was in nursing school as a kid I felt a definite disadvantage to be unmarried and no kids. I had so little life experience.

I'm new to healthcare and old in years. I would like to say personal health is a factor to consider. But I am not sure.

I found physical exams required for entry into school and as a pre-requisite for jobs. There was the, "If everything checks out we can offer you a job" statement. A physical was often part of the "everything."

I busted my butt with two years of diet and exercise at middle-age before I started in healthcare. I am glad I did. I just don't know if it helped me succeed in getting in and getting jobs.

Maybe just the confidence misplaced or not, in my own accomplishment, however small, is what helped more than good vital signs, lipid panel, and UA.

I actually worked out, and up, to carrying 150 lbs Richard Gere - Debra Winger style. Three gunny sacks filled with wheat. Tied together with twine. Really.

I found out later that last part was unnecessary but a worthwhile skill nonetheless.

Go for it!!! I just graduated from an ADN program and I'm 47 and have no regrets!

Specializes in alzeheimers, skilled, assis. living.

Hey guys, now you're making me want to. Ha ha, I am a cna am working at an assisted living, which i like but the pay sucks, 9 an hour. I am not just there for the money, it's a great thing to do, but it's the residents that don't respect you. But then if I was a nurse I wouldn't have a job there, don't even have a reg. nurse. They even make me take the title of ra......resident assistant. Oh well.........whats funny is some of the residents call us maids. haha, we really do the job of a maid too. Most are very nice tho. Congrats to you all, I am still thinking, but my math skills are really bad. I also took activity director. But don't know what to do next, maybe u could suggest to me a continueing ed prog. that would help me do something more. I really think the RN job would shake me up a bit, not good with paper work, when they ask me to answer the phone even on my job I sometimes forget what to say, ha........especially if it's a doctor. Love u guys, good luck!

Specializes in Rehabilitation; LTC; Med-Surg.
finally got the nerve to do the RN (Real Nurse).

For your sake I'm going to take that "real nurse=RN" comment lightly and laugh.

Specializes in LTC, Home Health.

GO FOR IT!!!!!

Congrats! I am not quite in your age bracket but I used to kid about being on the 50 yr nursing plan. I just got into school and it will take about 5-6yrs to complete my BSN. I am more mature and soooo glad that I waited. I feel this is going to make me a better nurse!

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