I am a new grad with my RN in hand, applying to many locations around the Dallas/Fort Worth region, and a universal theme I'm starting to notice in this region, with much dismay, is 1 or more years experience required, at almost all jobs. There are hundreds, if not thousands of jobs like this for experienced RN's. However, for positions for nurses without experience are few and far apart. How does one build experience, when there are little to none jobs hiring nurses without experience? Even job placement agencies for nurses (I've contacted 2 thus far and applied for various others) are mostly unable help because they won't get paid for finding you a job, hospitals only pay them to find experienced candidates.
To make matters more fun is many of these places require your 1 year of experience be in a relevant area, so scratch SNF off your list of places to build experience, unless this is your calling as a nurse.
Is this something universal throughout nursing, or have I discovered a rough patch per say?
I keep hearing about nursing shortages throughout the country and projected nursing shortages in the millions, but if they won't hire new grads, how will we build the job experience needed to fill these vacancies in the coming years, or even have any where close to the projected numbers?
Any good advice you can throw this new RN's way?