Published Aug 18, 2011
Poi Dog
1,134 Posts
I picked up a client who needs 8 hours a week of service. I am excited and will go straight to his house when I get off of work.
Sleep, who needs sleep?
2 Posts
Good for you...just make sure you get some sleep. You don't want to burn,out...been there I know.
21 Posts
250 Posts
I picked up a client who needs 8 hours a week of service. I am excited and will go straight to his house when I get off of work. Sleep, who needs sleep?
Congratulations. Ironically, my main client has been in LTC since June, so I have been working in a LTC full time one on one with him. I sure have developed good skills in the LTC, but I hope for his sake he goes home soon.
Home care is great, I love helping people stay in their homes.
Thanks all
Congratulations. Ironically, my main client has been in LTC since June, so I have been working in a LTC full time one on one with him. I sure have developed good skills in the LTC, but I hope for his sake he goes home soon.Home care is great, I love helping people stay in their homes.
Yay, I can't fathom being sent to a nursing against one's wishes. To my that is the definition of torture
38,333 Posts
Congrats. Also wanted to say that I love your new avatar! Cute little fella!
Thank you. He's not mine but I do have 2 pet rats :redpinkhe
virgo,student nurse, CNA
251 Posts
Good for you Poi. Let us know how it turns out.