WSU BSN Fall 2012

U.S.A. Washington


Anyone else who applied to WSU for Fall 2012? I filed my application on time (Jan 15, 2012), and got my transcripts to NursingCAS by the Feb 1, 2012 deadline. I just checked and it looks like NursingCAS finally completed my GPA calculations. Does anyone else know what will happen next? I know we will get letters by March 20, 2012. But, it would be nice if WSU would communicate to at least let us know if they have received our applications.

I received my admissions letter from WSU Tri-Cities on saturday.

Someone else I know said they received a general admission on Friday as well, and I haven't received one yet and applied a few weeks ago. I also asked my advisor when letters would be sent and she said they were hoping to send them in the next couple weeks... :/ I'm starting to get nervous now that maybe the people who are going to be accepted received their general admissions letters and those that are not wont be receiving one? I don't kno maybe I'm just over thinking but it makes me feel unsure...

General admission to WSU has nothing to do with the nursing school, almost everyone should be accepted to WSU (I assume if you are applying to the nursing school you have good grades). Acceptance letters for the nursing school usually come 2 to 3 weeks after the second weekend of interview so don't get too worried as of yet. Also, in the past they have sent denial letters before acceptance letters so you actually want to get your letter last (don't quote me on this, that was just my experience and the experience of classes before me). Did you not apply to WSU the same time you did your application for the nursing school? That is what we were advised to do. There is a good chance they could be backed up since its spring and there are alot of high school seniors applying to WSU right now. Best of luck to all of you!

Ok, so I called admissions and they had misplaced my transcripts, but they fixed it so now I just have to wait for them to review. I was worried. We were advised to not apply to wsu general admissions until we received the interview. So for me that was the end of march. Is it true that acceptance letters come in a big pack and denials are one small letter? Or is this just rumors? I'm am hopeful just nervous!

Tristannicole I was reading some of your other posts and i saw that you got accepted the second time around, kudos to you for not giving up and for getting in! Did they tell you anything of why you may not have gotten in the first time? Like any advice on your interview or an explanation?

I actually feel pretty good now knowing that I was not the only one that has not been admitted yet! I think they may have changed up the admissions process from the year before. We had to apply AFTER we got an interview. I am assuming they did that, because they probably got heat from people who had to pay $45 for the nursing application and another $50 for general application and not even get an interview. That would have been hurtful, it would even hurt at this point as well. I thought I was the only one that had not gotten in as yet, but now I am thinking that it's great news... They cannot admit anyone until everyone is accepted... some of the people that they want in the nursing program probably haven't been accepted yet, so I am happy! Thanks for the info TristanNicole... Help us with our anxiety! Don't worry missjohnson... I also remembered the lady saying they had moved over to a newer system that was slower and that general admissions knew that the nursing students needed to be admitted soon so its coming!

I did have to apply twice to get accepted, but it all worked out and I'm really enjoying myself. So don't be discouraged if you don't get in! Definitely apply again. I was very upset when i didn't get accepted so i did call and talk to someone (I don't remember who) to ask what they thought I should do and what kind of student they were looking for. They don't tell you exactly why they didn't pick you, they don't have access to the notes your interviews took.

It is true that acceptance letters are a pack (thick) and denials are thin, one piece of paper. I think this is pretty standard, because if you are accepted they have lots of info to give you.

The first time I applied (for fall 2011) they application was paper and you filled out the app for the nursing school and wsu at the same time and there was no fee, I think it should still be that way. The second time I applied was the first time they used nursing cas and it was so much more stressful and I wasn't sure they received all my information. I definitely prefer the paper app :)

I agree... I like the no fee idea LOL... You have some great pointers! I did like the nursing CAS though, I found it to be easy! I am happy that you are enjoying yourself, you don't seem stressed! Is it because you are on a semester system and it's much slower than a quarter system? I am assuming this is your first semester right? How do you like it? Pros and cons? Also, I got a financial aid packet, not sure how I got financial aid if I did not get accepted yet... kinda weird, did anyone else get that?

I came from always doing quarters so the semester has been kind of killer. It doesn't necessarily go slower, the big classes stay at a pretty rapid pace so there is no slacking, you will be very busy. It's the end of the semester, finals are next week so I don't have as much homework or any clinical prep so just studying and class, and I gotta take a break from studying sometime! ;) I really love the curriculum , you lean a lot, labs are great and so are simulations, and the clinical instructors are awesome. The only con I would say is time commitment but that's not really a con for me, I knew it was a big time commitment and I was ready for it.

It's not weird to have received something from financial aid, it's from WSU and they assume your going to take classes at WSU whether you get into the nursing school or not :), I wouldn't accept anything until you know for sure.

Ohh thanks for all this info... You are awesome :). I came from a semester myself, so I actually don't mind going back on it! The quarter system seems very rushed to me! I also like that you guys are getting out of school almost a month earlier than the quarter system, even though you guys start earlier! I am ready for the commitment myself... Hopefully I can run into a few people like yourself if I do get in... really helps with the anxiety! 5 months is a long to wait to know your fate (going crazy)! Okay, I see... I am happy to have the financial information, because I have some information on what I am working with! Well let's see what happens in the next few days, wish it was over already LOL... Thanks!

I was placed on the waiting list, I'm a little discouraged and not quite sure what to think, I'm constantly trying to analyze what was wrong I know my gpa was on the way lower end but I felt good about my interview. I think I just wait and see from here and hope that someone decides to go somewhere else. Im trying to think positive I've worked so hard to get this far I can't give up now. :) my letter came today in a small envelope

Don't be discouraged! I know a lot of people who were placed on the waitlist who ended up getting in, there is a girl in my clinical group who got accepted the day before orientation! You have a great chance of still getting in!

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