Published Aug 12, 2008
111 Posts
On the state's written test, there were about 7 or 8 questions that we did not cover in class. However, there was one that I cannot find the answer to.
It goes something like this. If you know the answer, I would appreciate any help. I can't find any info about this subject matter in my book.
Question: You are assisting to feed a resident who is paralyzed on their right side. You would:
a. place the piece of toast in their right hand
b. place the piece of toast in their left hand
c. assist them with their cup of coffee
d. (can't remember but I think it was obviously not the answer)
What would be the correct answer? It's driving me nuts. I wish I remembered what "d" was but I can't. I chose "c" because I felt there could be greater injury if hot coffee spilled and seeing as how the resident only had control over one hand, I chose this answer. But I think it may have been one of the questions that I missed.
Any ideas? Have you ever heard of a question like this? I wish we were given a list of the missed questions so we could learn what we did wrong.
26 Posts
I think that your answer would be B. The reason that I think that is because you always want your residents or patients to maintain any level of independence that they currently have. I think that if they were functioning on the left side then you would put the cup on that side as well as the silverware. I work in a nursing home and work with a couple of people that are paralyzed on one side. When it comes to breakfast I set them up with all of the drinks within reach and all silverware on the good side.
Thanks for this info. When you explain it that way, it makes sense. I was going back and forth between b and c and think I chose c by mistake. But what you said makes sense.
Can a person who is paralyzed on one side handle a hot cup of coffee safely?
I know I sometimes read too much into the question, but part of my reasoning for NOT choosing "b" was to encourage independence in another way. If the resident is not paralyzed on his or her left side, why would it be necessary to place the toast in the left hand? They could pick up the toast by themselves.
So am I to assume that by placing the toast in the left hand, the nursing assistant was kind of getting them jump-started as far as eating the meal?
All in all, I think the quesion is very poorly worded. I also think a big part of the written exam is to determine a person's reasoning capacity. I don't think it's all about just conveying knowledge. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. It's just that the way some of the questions are worded and the multiple choice answers that are given are not always very good.
75 Posts
I found this answer
21) Using fork for youghurt
I will like to introduce you to some of the classical abnormal neurobehaviour, which deeply is described by the Icelandic Occupational Therapists Gudrun Arnadottir. You can reed more in her book " The Brain and behavior. "
When the stroke is in the left hemisphere the patient can have problems misusing utensils. He doesn't know how to use the spoon and maybe tries to eat the youghurt with a fork like here, or he tries to butter the bread using the finger.
On this web site
Maybe this will help
Good Luck!
348 Posts
Very good answer nikki.p....Also alot of the residents where I work vision is affected by CVA so I feed them on their good side.
I found this answer 21) Using fork for youghurtI will like to introduce you to some of the classical abnormal neurobehaviour, which deeply is described by the Icelandic Occupational Therapists Gudrun Arnadottir. You can reed more in her book " The Brain and behavior. "When the stroke is in the left hemisphere the patient can have problems misusing utensils. He doesn't know how to use the spoon and maybe tries to eat the youghurt with a fork like here, or he tries to butter the bread using the finger.On this web site this will helpGood Luck!
Thanks so much for this link! It has a lot of good info and I've put it into my Favorites folder for future reference.
I really appreciate your taking the time to post this.
5 Posts
After much disppointment from the nursing program I was in....I have decided to go a different route and start from bottom up....I am taking a CNA entrance exam on Monday at IME in San Leandro while I hopefully apply at other nursing programs. What is the entrance exam like....any suggestions.....
16 Posts
i encountered this same question during my cna exam in in american redcross. the best answer here for me is also "B" as long as he can do it let him do it.
NurseCubanitaRN2b, BSN, RN
2,487 Posts
I would have chosen B because they're talking about a weakness on the right side, so go with the toast on the left side. Why would you assist them with their cup of coffee? That really has nothing to do with what they're asking.
Hope I was of help.
20 Posts
Well, I may not be any help, as I do not KNOW the correct answer. But I think my answer would be to help the patient with their coffee. If they were not paralysed on the left side, why would you need to put the toast in their hand? They should be able to pick it up themselves. But drinking is a lot harder, and if it is hot and they have some facial paralysis, drinking can be very difficult. It is easy to choke or steady coffee, so c would be my choice. Hope this doesn't lead you astray!
140 Posts
Hi, all. I haven't taken my written exam yet, just finished class time in my CNA program on Friday and will start clinicals in 2 weeks. However, we had a lot of "weak side vs. strong side" questions on our class tests. Our instructor stressed patient independence, safety, etc. I would have also answered "B". Place the toast in the left hand to provide independence while keeping the resident/patient safe at the same time.