Published Mar 31, 2012
Gena_g72 at yahoo
27 Posts
Let's say the computer did not stop at 75 questions and I on 250-th questions and it still keeps going, would it be a good idea to stop unswering questions if I get SATA questions?
The reason I think it might help me pass the exam is this: if I got SATA question I must for sure be on a PASSING LEVEL already and it I do not answer any more questions, and sit and wait, I will stay on a passing level and I will pass.
Am I right or not?
May be there is a certain maximum time that you can spend on each question and just by waiting for the time to run out, the computer might think I failed, because I spend too much time on the very last question.
I am so stressed out that I think I am going crazy, I failed my xam again and I am totally confused what else to do. I used Saunders, LaCharity, Kaplan and Exam Cram and I still failed.
Dear God, help me, please to study better and more sufficient.
584 Posts
I dont think thats a very smart thing to do!
Just answer the questions as they come, dont rush and take ur time.
Good Luck to you, its not easy but its doable!
Thank you very much for your response, I appreciate your honesty. Those who trully care would always say the truth to your face, even though it might hurt a little bit to hear. :)
95 Posts
That is a very bad idea. When I took my exam, I had a ton of SATAs. Getting them does not necessarily mean you're above the passing level. It's just an alternate format question--alternate being the operative word. I got SATAs that were hard and tricky. I also got ones that were very basic and on a knowledge level, but you could just as easily get wrong if you're not sure about one of the answer choices.
Thank you very much for helping me understand that not all SATA quastions are High Level questions. Good luck to you.
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
The reason I think it might help me pass the exam is this: if I got SATA question I must for sure be on a PASSING LEVEL already and it I do not answer any more questions, and sit and wait, I will stay on a passing level and I will pass. Am I right or not
If you were 'for sure' on a passing level the test would end, it would not keep giving you questions. Once the computer determines you are at the passing level or the failure level it shuts off.
It's NOT a good idea to try and 'trick' it. Answer the questions as they come.
Don't forget of the total amount of questions, there are like 20 or so that are test questions that they might be trying for upcoming NCLEX tests. Some of those SATA's you get might be one or more of those test questions that do not count toward a pass/fail score. SATA's are a type of question, they are not a definate sign of high level questions. By sitting and running the clock out on a SATA you might fail due to the fact that you haven't answered enough actual questions correctly.
blinky, ASN, RN
160 Posts
so for a 75 question NCLEX test 15 are "test" and don't count from what i read. then of the remaining 60 you need 31 correct to pass? or what?
purplechicxiii, BSN, RN
429 Posts
I bet that's true, but you should add - answer more high-end level of questions correctly. So how can you answer high-end level of questions, you must answer easy questions first. Remember, the question gets harder if you have given a correct answer, and it gets easier when you answered the previous question wrong. And I must agree that there are SATA's that aren't considered high-end level of questions, such as those on knowledge level only. For more info watch this:
I will add that--according to kaplan--if the time runs out on you and you haven't finished the exam, the computer looks at the last 50 questions. If you any one of them is below the compentency level, you will fail the test.