Would love your opinion on this project to help student nurses!

Nurses General Nursing


Hi Fellow RNs!

I'm an RN currently working in SF, and I'm thinking about creating a project to help out nursing students. Here's my question:

Way back when, when you were a student RN, would you have been interested in a website or app where you could see someone's stats? By stats, I mean GPA, NCLEX prep course, hours/weeks of studying, how many times it took to pass, passed in how many questions, etc? To be clear, the info would NOT be connected to any identifiable information? I'm thinking you could see how other students with similar stats chose to study and then use that info to inform your own studying.

Let me know in the comments if you think this would be used by nursing students/what other stats could be helpful.

Can't wait to hear your opinion!


I don't see the usefulness of what you're proposing. How many hours someone else studied, whether they got XX number of questions or XXX number of questions and what their GPA was doesn't seem relevant to me. I've been reading on the Student forum, NCLEX discussions are interesting and I see over and over people asking how many questions someone else got and other questions also designed to gain useless information. What does any of that matter at all? Maybe a student will feel more confident going in because he's Perfectly Average according to the stats but if he fails, then what? Someone who doesn't measure up to the others' stats on the website but then knocks it out of the park on the exam, what does that mean? I'm thinking---nothing?

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Just a side note - if you DO have what you feel is a very good idea for an app or a business or side jam, what have you, the very last thing you want to do is post it on the Internet for opinions. It will get implemented by someone else sooner than you can sneeze. There are ways to do market research without exposing your idea to being snatched up and becoming someone else's cash cow. Protect your intellectual property.

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Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.

When I graduated, there was no NCLEX. Twice a year we had the opportunity to take Boards - a 2-day, 5-test series.

I fully expected to pass, and it wouldn't have occurred to me to compare myself to others to see if I could pass.

Everyone in my class passed, first sitting.

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