Would love some advice!

Specialties School


So I have been on Oncology RN for 2 1/2 years, working nights, and have never loved my job. The patients, yes, but not bedside nursing. I have recently had an interview for a school nurse position and was asked back for a 2nd interview and site visit. Yeah! But here's the problem: it will be around $14k less each year with NO room for advancement in pay. There is a salary cap: new nurse makes the same as a 30 year vet, BSN same as a PhD, etc...

I have 2 school aged kids and desperately want to get away from working nights, weekends, and holidays. Is the pay cut REALLY worth it for the better schedule? I know I can supplement with summer work, occasional weekends at the hospital. I could also hold out and hope for a clinic opening with good hours, or a school RN job in a different county with a better pay scale. I would love some feedback, words of wisdom, advice from others who have been there. Just so much to think about!!

Specializes in ER.
So I have been on Oncology RN for 2 1/2 years, working nights, and have never loved my job. The patients, yes, but not bedside nursing. I have recently had an interview for a school nurse position and was asked back for a 2nd interview and site visit. Yeah! But here's the problem: it will be around $14k less each year with NO room for advancement in pay. There is a salary cap: new nurse makes the same as a 30 year vet, BSN same as a PhD, etc...

I have 2 school aged kids and desperately want to get away from working nights, weekends, and holidays. Is the pay cut REALLY worth it for the better schedule? I know I can supplement with summer work, occasional weekends at the hospital. I could also hold out and hope for a clinic opening with good hours, or a school RN job in a different county with a better pay scale. I would love some feedback, words of wisdom, advice from others who have been there. Just so much to think about!!

your routine, family life and off time are the most important. I'd say stay per diem in the hospital and go to the school nurse job, work per diem on weekends or holidays to pick up some time here and there. You can always go back to the hospital after the kids are older.
Specializes in clinic, ortho/neuro, trauma, college.

It was worth it to me. I get the same base rate as I got at the hospital (day shift, that is), but my position here is part-time, so decent pay cut here. And yes, I might get a marginal raise at some point, but not anything you'd see in a good hospital.

Still, I love it. I can breathe, don't have that AWFUL nightshift hangover anymore, don't have to miss kids' concerts, soccer games, parties. It is wonderful. Additionally, I am no longer spit at for hanging scheduled antibiotics at 2:00am, pushed by sundowners, called the c-word because I dared to flush an IV before and after administering Dilaudid, or asked to heat up the KFC gravy of a patient's spouse.

I have reclaimed my humanity! :)

Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, School Nursing, OB.

I make the same hourly as I did at the hospital when I figure out my salary for actual days worked and not yearly. I only work around 190 days a year. That's more like part time. I can afford it so it was worth it to me. I do sometimes think about the money I'm missing out on but then I think about how less stressed I am. No more worrying about holidays, when I can take vacation, if my aides are getting their work done, being called in to work, what the kids are going to have for supper or if their homework is getting done, feeling exhausted on my days off, being on my feet non-stop for hours, constant charting and full assessments, being overwhelmed with the amount of things needing done at once all day every day...I could go on and on. It's not perfect. It's still a "job" but I no longer dread going to work and I look forward to seeing all the students (well most of them ;) ).

Nursefelicity- I've looked at all kinds of job listings, and even applied for a few, but apparently I'm not qualified enough at this point! A lot of jobs want min 3-5 years experience and I've only been an RN for 2 1/2. But I would be very open to something on the 'business' side. :-)

Klriggs53- Ha! I suppose maybe I do know the answer. But sometimes I need a kick in the pants to open my eyes to it- or at least some words of wisdom and advice from those who have been there!!

Nurse_JackieVA- Will you be doing an elementary cluster of schools, or just one school? Here in MD, the elementary nurses have 2 schools (at least in this county) and the middle & high school nurses have just 1 school. I hope everything goes well and that your hubby has a safe deployment. My hubby is in the military and has a permanent duty station but goes TDY for 100 days each year. Let us know if you take the job!

MassED- that is pretty much what I am leaning towards. My hubby loves 'running the numbers' and thinks I'll need to pick up 1 weekend a month (which quite honestly is more than I'd like to do) but we'll see how it goes if I'm offered the job next week.

Still, I love it. I can breathe, don't have that AWFUL nightshift hangover anymore, don't have to miss kids' concerts, soccer games, parties. It is wonderful. Additionally, I am no longer spit at for hanging scheduled antibiotics at 2:00am, pushed by sundowners, called the c-word because I dared to flush an IV before and after administering Dilaudid, or asked to heat up the KFC gravy of a patient's spouse.

I have reclaimed my humanity! :)

This is great! Yes, I have only been an RN for a few years but I am tired of being a nurse/maid/waitress/servant and being second guessed by patients & families and taking care of some patients who refuse care and clearly don't even want to be here. And I can really do without the 'nightshift hangovers' as well. :-)

I work at a small privates school one day a week and work per diem at our public schools and a local hospital. My husband carries our health insurance so that isn't a issue. I love the flexibility but my schedule looks crazy to most people.

Specializes in CVICU, SchoolRN, MICU, PCU/IMU, ED.

Well I took the job, lol. I'm tired of all the bedside drama and stress. I know there will be stress on this job but a different kind of stress and I'm ready for it. I only have one school assigned to me and I toured the school last week - everyone was excited to meet me. Hopefully this is a good thing. I start tomorrow, wish me luck!

I agree with what most people are saying - totally WORTH IT! It does all depend on how you feel and your situation. My daughter is in kindergarten this year at my school so it makes it worth it times 100. I don't have any family child care options, so I'd be paying a lot in before/after school care, and also all of the days off between holiday breaks and conference days. Getting to see her during the day and more at home because of the better hours is such a huge plus - truly priceless!

There is a lot less hands on skills in school environments, which is hard for some people to adjust to, but I see it as a benefit : ) If you are someone who doesn't like routine or having the same "patients" over and over, that could be a downside also.

Good luck with whatever you choose!

Well, I was offered the position at the middle school I toured last week! I have until tomorrow to give my final answer. I am sooooo nervous about this as I HATE change and making big decisions like this! I know the hours will be fabulous, a closer commute for me and we can make do with the pay cut. I'm not sure what is holding me back from just jumping up and down and saying, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" But I'm pretty sure I'll call tomorrow and accept the job.

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