Published Jun 23, 2009
3 Posts
My bother has recently graduated and passed NLE in the Philippines. He plans to work in Houston, TX (God willing) but is confused of what steps to follow. TX only requires CES-Full, IELTS and NCLEX. TX BON's website indicates a 2yr work experience or 4yrs of FEN (??) before a license is given??? (very vague). Evidently he does not have any experience so far. Other suggested to process the CES, review IETLS and take NCLEX all together and find an employer ASAP. Is it safer and wise to do that?... We are so confuse..
Thanks guys in advance,
18 Posts
I'm in the same situation as your brother. I just graduated last march, had my local boards and now Im planning to start my NCLEX application for Texas since I would want to be with my sister who is working there.
But when I checked out the Texas BON website, it says that foreign educated nurses needs to have 2 years work experience. Its very difficult to have work experience now since there are a lot of graduates. Im thinking of going throung New Mexico since they have compact license with Texas but I still need to check out their requirements.
Hope someone who already underwent through the Texas licensure can help us. Thanks!!!
I know. It's really confusing. Someone wrote from other blogs that experience is not necessary in taking the exam just for the license. It's insanne. Hope someone could clarify this. Thanks!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
You should be able to apply to the BON but it appears a license will not be issued if certain conditions aren't met and working is the main one. A lot will depend on what sort of visa your family is looking for for entering the US and whether the requirement needs to be completed by the BON. It may also be a requirement if endorsing license as sometimes you still need to meet foreign nurse requirements as if making initial application
If you have not worked at least two (2) years as a first level, general nurse within the four (4) years preceding the filing of the application,
you will not be licensed until you complete a Foreign Educated Nurse (FENS) refresher course consisting of 120 hours of classroom
instruction and 120 hours of clinical practice under direct supervision of a Registered Nurse. The applicant required to take the FENS
refresher will be given a six (6) month permit to complete the refresher course.
Thanks Silverdragon for the information.
My question: where is the FENS conducted? what agency gives this course?
So I can go with my application for Texas but I still need to meet the 2 year work experience to get a license.
Are there other states that gives hard license and doesnt require work experience for it? I dont know if I can find work as nurse here in the Philippines in the current situation. I've been reading about Vermont and New Mexico but most of the post are outdated from years back and they may have updated their requirements.
Thanks a lot!!!:nuke:
Thanks Silverdragon for the information.My question: where is the FENS conducted? what agency gives this course?So I can go with my application for Texas but I still need to meet the 2 year work experience to get a license. Are there other states that gives hard license and doesnt require work experience for it? I dont know if I can find work as nurse here in the Philippines in the current situation. I've been reading about Vermont and New Mexico but most of the post are outdated from years back and they may have updated their requirements.Thanks a lot!!!:nuke:
I would say not to worry too much about getting a hard license the important thing is to meet requirements and pass NCLEX and making sure your results stay safe. There are a few states that now will not issue a license without proof that you are in the US on a legal work/immigrant visa or USC. Even if you go to another state and still plan on working in Tx they may still want to know your nursing experience and may still require that this course is completed. They should have details on what is accepted on their website
145 Posts
If you brother recently gradutated (Within 2 years) he does not have to have any work experience.
Contact the Texas BON directly to verify
I'm in the same situation as your brother. I just graduated last march, had my local boards and now Im planning to start my NCLEX application for Texas since I would want to be with my sister who is working there. But when I checked out the Texas BON website, it says that foreign educated nurses needs to have 2 years work experience. Its very difficult to have work experience now since there are a lot of graduates. Im thinking of going throung New Mexico since they have compact license with Texas but I still need to check out their requirements.
You will need no work experience for Texas since you are a new graduate
Really, so I need not have the 2-year experience during initial application to Texas BON... only during issuance of license that I need to present the work experience or FEN. I'll verify that info to the Texas BON.
Thanks a lot guys!!!
Really, so I need not have the 2-year experience during initial application to Texas BON... only during issuance of license that I need to present the work experience or FEN. I'll verify that info to the Texas BON.Thanks a lot guys!!!
Since you are a new grad. You will not need work experience or present it for initial license.
You will not need work experience for issuance of licenses
I see, so I can also be issued a license without presenting work experience since I'm a new grad. I will verify that info to the Texas BON so that I can start my application as soon as possible.
Thanks a lot Itzallgood for that information!!!
I see, so I can also be issued a license without presenting work experience since I'm a new grad. I will verify that info to the Texas BON so that I can start my application as soon as possible.Thanks a lot Itzallgood for that information!!!
Happy to assist you :)